My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 644

"It is because Guiyuan is a good girl that I want to marry her into the door.

The better a girl is, the more chance she will get into the eyes of the fourth, or replace the fourth daughter-in-law. " Wang said.

"You\'re hurting longan. Where can a man like old four deserve her..."

"Third brother, what\'s the matter with you recently? Why do you always speak for longan? When has her friendship with you been so good? You still need to go up the knife mountain and down the sea of fire." Wang Yinger said meaningfully.

"This......" Qi duocai said.

The speaker has a heart, and the listener has a heart.

Wang\'s vigilance said, "I can tell you that no matter how good longan is, it\'s half as good as the old four. They\'re right only when they match together.

As for you, just study hard for me. Don\'t think about things you shouldn\'t think about. When you read the famous hall in the future, you will find that these little village aunts are not very good and don\'t deserve your attention at all. "

Wang is also a person who has seen the world.

She knows that everyone has different views on the people around him at different stages of life.

Qi duocai sympathizes with longan now because he doesn\'t have many good girls. When he becomes famous in the future, he will find that there are many girls better than longan.

So Wang meant to let him take a long view.

It\'s not good to just stare at the people in front of you.

Longan with old three? Too bad, not enough!

Qi duocai knew that he was not fit to argue any more, so he changed the topic and said, "Mom, I\'m going to the Academy in the city tomorrow."

"What are you doing there?"

"I\'ll see if there is a suitable teacher to be."

"I told you not to go." Wang said unhappily, "all you have to do now is study hard and start again. Why don\'t you listen?"

Qi duocai shook his head seriously. "Don\'t worry, mom. I have a sense of propriety."

Wang had no choice but to turn to qijiabao.

She doesn\'t listen. Qijiabao always listens.

Qijiabao said, "if you really want to go, go to the academy and experience the master\'s life.

If you can\'t continue, go home early to study. Your mother and I support you at home. You don\'t have to worry about anything. "

"Well, I see."

Wang stared at qijiabao and was speechless about his compromise.

Don\'t read after that? I go to teach every day and have a fart!

She confessed to the third for so many years!


The next day.

Qijia is going to the market in the city, and qiduodi is responsible for driving.

Longan came early.

"Aunt Qi, I\'m going to sell some bags in the city today. Can you give me a ride in your donkey cart?" Longan asked Wang.

Of course, Wang was very happy, but just as she was about to answer, she saw Qi Xingyun coming out with the donkey.

Obviously, qixingyun is going to the city today.

So Wang shouted to Qi Xingyun, "old four, you\'re going to the market in the city today."

Qixingyun glanced back at her, "HMM."

Wang\'s heart was happy, "just in time, longan girl is going to the city. She wants to sell her purse. Can you give her a ride?"


"Why not? Your car is so big. Your daughter-in-law sits alone. She has such a big ass to occupy a seat." Wang snorted coldly, "fourth, don\'t be prejudiced against longan.

Longan is just taking a ride by the way. Look who doesn\'t take a ride like this, just your rules, like old-fashioned... "