My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 641

"If we don\'t do this business today, others will be willing to do it later. Think about it, it\'s 40 liang of silver, which is more real than selling land."

"I just can\'t bear it."

"What are you reluctant to give up? The old house is broken like that. It will fall down in two years. You will be reluctant to give up something at that time. It\'s just a pile of broken bricks.

If you really think we\'ve lost money by selling our ancestral home, go back and buy some fields with this silver. Well, we can still grow crops. "


Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun came out of the Zheng family and happened to pass by Uncle Liang\'s watermelon field.

Uncle Liang\'s family planted three acres of watermelon land.

In midsummer, the sun fell, and several acres of watermelon fields were shining.

Uncle Liang and his two sons are picking watermelon in the field and are going to sell it in the city when they go to the market tomorrow.

Chi Ziyu just wants to eat watermelon. Qixingyun also has this intention.

Glancing at each other, they tacitly walked to Uncle Liang\'s watermelon field.

"Uncle Liang, let\'s buy watermelon." Chi Ziyu shouted all the way.

Uncle Liang said "ah" and said, "buy watermelon. OK, you can choose whatever you want."

"Uh huh."

Chi Ziyu smiled at Qi Xingyun and bent down to pick watermelon.

Uncle Liang is very good at growing watermelon. He grows the land very well every year. Now he can send it to the city for sale.

In summer, watermelon sales are particularly good.

The melons planted by Liang Shu are round skinned watermelon. You can find one in two steps.

Some have been impressively exposed to the sun.

Others hide under the rice pole to shade, half covering the Pipa and half covering the face.

Chi Ziyu picked a big watermelon and began to knock the melon to listen to the sound.

If the sound is crisp, it means that the watermelon is a good melon and has matured.

If the sound is dull, the opposite is true.

"This is ripe." Chi Ziyu picked the big watermelon with the crisp sound just now.

"This is ripe, too."

Qixingyun also picked one.

"Let\'s pick two first. It\'s hard to take them back later."


Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun each took a watermelon and went to Uncle Liang.

Liang Shuyi set up a semi cylindrical melon shed in the melon field.

If you are tired of picking watermelon, you can enjoy the cool inside.

And now it\'s the ripe season for watermelon. Liang Shude often goes to the melon field to guard it.

Guard against melon thieves and wild boars who will steal melons. They can\'t leave during the day and night.

It\'s much better to have a melon shed.

The picked watermelon will also be put in the shed to dry, so as not to be exposed to the sun.

Of course, uncle Liang\'s name is also put in the melon shed.

Uncle Liang moved all his long bamboo beds and usually rested here.

Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun were invited to the melon shed to pay for the melon.

Uncle Liang put down his baskets of cantaloupes and began to weigh them.

"Uncle Liang, the watermelons you grow are so big." Late roe path.

She envied uncle Liang\'s watermelon field.

She will also grow watermelon next year.

"Well, at least I\'ve grown watermelon for so many years. I\'ve found out the way to grow watermelon.

I dare say that our village hasn\'t planted watermelon as big and sweet as me. " Uncle Liang said proudly.

"This melon, eight Jin and four Liang." Uncle Liang weighed the first watermelon and gave it to Chi Ziyu.

Chi Ziyu nodded and believed him very much.

Uncle Liang is always honest in business and never lacks weight.

"This, seven Jin and six Liang."

"Ten Wen a catty, a total of... 160 Wen."


Chi Ziyu took out the money and paid.