My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 640

"When we spend the winter this year, we will take a lot of ice and store it in the cellar and take it out next summer. In this way, we won\'t be afraid of heat." Qixingyun road.

Chi Ziyu\'s eyes brightened, "eh? This method is good, but won\'t the ice melt?"

"As long as it is well sealed, it won\'t melt."


"It\'s true. I\'ve seen it before."

"Then let\'s go back and dig a cellar."

"Don\'t worry, first build the new house, dig a cellar next to our house, and then get the ice closer."

Well, the new house is a big deal.

Only when the new house is built, others can be put on the agenda.

"When will you make a house?" Chi Ziyu asked.

"Let\'s choose a better land first."

"I think the land of Uncle Zheng\'s old house is good." Chi Ziyu has long begun to pay attention to the land, "there is a large flat land over their old house, and the vision is very wide. If we make the house yard, we will have plenty of land."

Qixingyun recalled, "it seems really good. We\'ll go and ask tomorrow."



Zheng family.

"Are you going to buy the land of my old house?" Hearing qixingyun\'s explanation, uncle Zheng solemnly stressed it again.


Uncle Zheng thought, "this is the old house uploaded by our ancestors. Feng Shui is very good."

"I\'ve also heard about this, so we can try to discuss a price to your satisfaction." Qi Xingyun said.

Zheng\'s daughter-in-law is a prudent person and can\'t hide her worries.

It\'s no use to own this piece of land. It\'s better to sell it to earn some money.

Uncle Zheng was still thinking, so she hurriedly asked, "how much silver?"

"Forty Liang."

"So many..." Zheng\'s daughter-in-law couldn\'t help but exclaim.

"We all decided to buy the old house, including the surrounding flat land."

Hearing the speech, Zheng\'s daughter-in-law and uncle Zheng looked at each other.

Uncle Zheng showed some reluctance. After all, this is his ancestral home.

His childhood memories are here.

His father, his grandfather and Zeng grandfather also lived there

The daughter-in-law of the Zheng family was happy and said with a smile, "we are willing to sell. If we are in charge, don\'t hesitate. Our family doesn\'t lack that land either.

Just when people want to buy a house, let them buy it. Anyway, it\'s useless for us to keep it, and we can\'t farm or do anything. "

Uncle Zheng mused, "let me think."

"Uncle, we\'ll give you two days. When you figure it out, you\'ll tell us whether to make a decision?" Late roe path.

"OK, you can."

The daughter-in-law of the Zheng family has some regrets on her face, but she is hesitant in charge of the family, and she is not good at making opinions.

So when Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun left.

Zheng\'s daughter-in-law began to talk to Uncle Zheng in private.

"That\'s what happened to our land. We haven\'t seen people like our home. What\'s the good about Feng Shui.

People have given our family such a high price this time. If we don\'t sell it, won\'t we suffer too much? " Zheng\'s daughter-in-law is a woman.

"You don\'t understand. It was my home when I was a child."

Zheng\'s daughter-in-law cut, "who doesn\'t have an old home? The old don\'t go and the new don\'t come. You always stick to our old house like this, and don\'t do anything.

It\'s also a waste to put it there. It\'s better to sell it. I think they sincerely buy land and make a house. "