My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 639

Qixingyun still has to be busy. Those tables and stools have to be returned from house to house.

Taking advantage of the good afternoon sun, Chi Ziyu went out alone with Xiao Wang, who was much taller.

The afternoon sun is so good that I feel flustered.

Chi Ziyu asked Xiao Wang to take a bath in the river.

Xiao Wang was not very happy. Chi Ziyu said good or bad and slipped Xiao Wang into the water.

A plop.

Chi Ziyu bathes Xiao Wang regularly.

Xiao Wang is extremely reluctant every time.

He refused to go into the water and didn\'t like being wet all over.

However, when Chi Ziyu poured water on him, he slowly succumbed to Chi Ziyu\'s obscenity.

Chi Ziyu specially prepared soap horn for Xiao Wang to take a bath.

"Xiao Wang, you want me to give you a good bath today, and I\'ll cook you ribs in the evening."

Xiao Wang was drooping his ears listlessly, staring at the flowing river in a daze.

After hearing this sentence, he finally shook his tail.

Obviously, he doesn\'t want to take a bath. However, Chi Ziyu\'s means are too tough.

Chi Ziyu patiently scrubbed his hair and moved gently, for fear that Xiao Wang would run away when he was unhappy.

Xiaowang, coated with soap horn, is now washed out of white bubbles by chizi fish.

Chi Ziyu washed it with bitter tears and asked it to go ashore.

Xiao Wang hates water.

As soon as he got ashore, he couldn\'t wait to throw all his strength into the water. He wanted to dry up all over his body immediately.

Chi Ziyu stood far away.

Chi Ziyu thought that the reason why Xiao Wang didn\'t like taking a bath might be that he was... Too embarrassed

The sun is enough in the summer afternoon, the air is dry and hot, and Xiaowang\'s hair dries quickly.

When he got home, Xiao Wang\'s hair was almost dry.

At this time, the relatives of Qijia also went back.

The yard is clean and tidy. Tables, chairs, benches, pots and pans are returned to their original owners one by one.

Qijia returned to its usual silence.

Suddenly everyone who was idle had nothing to do for a moment, so they all stayed in the house.

Just hide from the afternoon heat.

The yard was full of sunshine, which made people\'s eyes hurt.

There is no wind and the air is stuffy.

The cloud shadow doesn\'t move.

The shadows of flowers and trees are like still life in the painting, and they don\'t move.

An old hen and her children went into the grass to peck.

Liang Zi didn\'t know why he kept crying.

Wang grabbed Guo Jinlian and scolded endlessly.

Qishui peicai and qiduojin quarreled. They were quarreling and chattering.

Chi Ziyu returned to the house and qixingyun was already sitting in the house.

A palm fan in his hand shook gently, with a somewhat calm attitude.

"You\'re back. Where have you been?" Qixingyun saw her and went to the sidewalk.

"I gave Xiao Wang a big bath. He was unhappy and almost didn\'t eat me." Late roe path.

"The sun is so big outside that you are not afraid to bask in it."

"It\'s just a little bigger. Xiao Wang can\'t be fast until he takes a bath, or he\'ll hate me."

"Come here." Qixingyun waved to her.

Chi Ziyu didn\'t understand: "why?"

Qixingyun smiled, "I\'ll fan you. Is it hot?"

"Well, I\'m dying of heat."

Chi Ziyu was happy to see his success and sat down happily.

The breeze from the Pu fan blew away the dryness on the body.

"It\'s so hot this day. I haven\'t fainted." Chi Zi fish fell on the table and said, "if only there was ice."