My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 638

Qiduo would smile, "at least we know each other. I\'m also for your sake. I can\'t bear to have a good girl in the mud..."

"Eh, this is not the third. Why, longan is also there." Wang Yinger suddenly came with a big stomach.

"What are you two talking about? You\'re talking so hard." She said.

"Nothing." Longan couldn\'t wait to explain.

Wang Yinger smiled at her vaguely, "what\'s there? It\'s nothing. You can see it at a glance. What\'s your panic?"

"Sister-in-law Qi, don\'t say that." Longan\'s white face is slightly red and somewhat pleasant.

"I didn\'t say anything." At the critical moment, Wang Yinger pretended to be a fool, but her mind was bright. "It\'s not all what you\'re talking about."

Longan, "..."

Qi duocai said, "second sister-in-law, what are you doing here?"

Wang Ying\'er looked at him and said in a pun, "my stomach is a little uncomfortable. I came and walked. Unexpectedly, I saw you two standing in this corner talking..."

"Don\'t worry, sister-in-law Qi." Longan road.

"I\'m careless? What am I so careless about? Have you two done anything shady that people can\'t know?"

"Second sister-in-law." It was only after a long time that I interrupted.

Longan also blushed. "Togo and I are innocent."

Wang Yinger smiled indifferently, "what does this have to do with me? Anyway, you two are unmarried men and women. It\'s not normal to look at each other."

"Second sister-in-law, what are you talking about?" Qiduo is not happy.

Qi duocai had no idea of the longan. At best, she was very pleasant to her eyes, so he said two more words of the truth, just pity on fragrance and jade.

So at the moment, when Wang Yinger finally made it clear, he was shocked and angry.

"I\'m not talking nonsense. Which eye of yours saw me talking nonsense? I\'m telling the truth.

Old three, you are not young after reading. Look, even old four has married a daughter-in-law, but you are still alone. It doesn\'t make sense, does it?

You\'re not in a hurry. I\'m in a hurry for you. If you really like any girl, just tell us and we\'ll help you find the best one in the world.

Don\'t forget that you are a scholar. You are superior to others. Good girls are eager to paste it upside down. There will be no such as many longans at that time. " Wang Yinger said.

She was a little stimulated when she saw two young students, Qi duocai and Guiyuan, talking so much today.

Nothing else.

Wang Yinger doesn\'t like the man he used to care about. Now he is so obsessed with other women.

She is a little jealous of longan.

Young and good-looking, or innocent body.

If you find a good family to marry, you will live in peace all your life.

But it\'s not good for her to get close to anyone. She gets close to qiduocai.

Qiduocai was once a piece of fat meat greedy for Wang Yinger, but he never had a chance to succeed.

Wang Yinger is not willing to let other women get it.

"OK, you talk, and I won\'t disturb you." Wang Yinger is enough.

Longan and Qi duocai both made a red face speechless.

Longan has a little girl\'s mind.

Although Qi duocai didn\'t have this intention, he read too many love books. Once provoked, it\'s easy to think of these love things.

At this time, the atmosphere was awkward, but it seemed that they really had an affair.

After finishing all the work at Qijia, Chi Ziyu will have nothing to do.