My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 637

The conditions that all men should have can be well reflected in him.

With such an excellent qiduocai for comparison, qixingyun\'s attraction to her is not very good.

To be honest, she appreciates more.

After all, such a considerate man is the best choice for a woman.

Qixingyun is cold-blooded and ruthless. It\'s only suitable for making money. It\'s really not suitable for living at home.

Sometimes longan can\'t figure out why Chi Ziyu can stand the character of qixingyun.

Maybe these two people are really like-minded before they come together.

After all, belfry is also very annoying.

"My fourth brother has a bad temper. If you really want to marry him, you should think it over." Qi duocai said seriously.

"I don\'t know, Togo." Longan is very tangled. "They asked me to marry, and I don\'t know what I should do."

Qi duocai sighed for her and said sincerely, "there are so many good men in the world. You are also a good girl. How can you

The character of the fourth younger brother is also obvious in our village. He is not close to anyone. Even to my younger brother and sister, I think it\'s just so. Anyway, I don\'t appreciate him. "

How about qixingyun? Longan also knows that he is hard and soft. It\'s really hard to get close to him.

Qi duocai said, "Miss longan, you\'d better go back and talk to your mother. Really don\'t hang on my fourth brother\'s tree.

My fourth brother is not worth it. If you go to our village and find one, it will definitely be a hundred or ten thousand times better than him. "

"But now everyone says he is much better than before." Longan said with a glimmer of hope.

"People know their faces but don\'t know their hearts. Everyone thinks he\'s very good only when they see his surface. How come no one wants to get close to him for so many years.

You have to believe that dogs can\'t change eating shit. You expect my fourth brother to be a good man. It\'s impossible in this life. " Qi duocai concluded confidently.

People like old four are a little capable of doing coolies.

That\'s the rest.

I haven\'t read the book, I don\'t have much money, I have no power and power, and I can\'t count anything.

I don\'t know what we all like about Qi duocai these days when he is not at home. He has made such a big change.

"Really?" Longan is a little uncertain.

"I know horsepower from a distance. I see people\'s hearts over time. My fourth brother and I have been under the same roof for so many years.

I don\'t know what kind of person he is. Just think about it carefully. What unique abilities he has and what he can do will be done by all of us.

Maybe he won\'t. We all will. You really don\'t let his good-looking appearance deceive him. " Qi duocai said earnestly.

From the bottom of his heart, he thought longan was a good girl and a good girl should have a good home.

In the eyes of qiduocai, people like qixingyun can\'t go on the table at all.

In addition to a few skills and earning a few silver, he has a bigger temper than your family, and his whole body is full of copper smell.

Such a man, what is worth trusting for life.

Qiduocai feels unworthy for longan.

He only went to the capital once, and such a thing happened at home. If he came back early, he would stop it.

Longan finally nodded, "Togo, I listen to you."