My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 636

Any parent wants his children to be safe and happy all their life.

"I don\'t care about her. If she can\'t be born, I can force her to have a baby by pressing her head." Wang said, "I\'ll marry another good one for the fourth. I can have a son, be filial to my mother-in-law, and be kind to my sister-in-law. I\'m comfortable myself."

Longan, as a little girl without personnel, is really not suitable for everyone to discuss this.

The purpose of her marriage to Qi Xingyun is to have a big fat boy and realize Wang\'s dream of having grandchildren.

She quickly poured water into Liang Zi\'s bathtub.

Half poured, Han said, "enough, the water is hot."

Longan no longer poured water, "then I\'ll go out first."

Han only thought she was shy and said helplessly, "you child, really... Go."


As soon as they came out, longan subconsciously looked for a place with many talents.

Qi duocai just came back today. Although he didn\'t pass the exam, he was very disappointed, but he didn\'t hurry to review the next round.

So now Qiduo is a little idle.

Everyone in the village has their own topics, about crops, about the weather and about the gossip in the village. Everyone is happy to discuss this.

Qi duocai is not interested in such topics because he doesn\'t work hard on his limbs, doesn\'t share grain, and doesn\'t like gossip.

He has no common topic with these laymen, and he doesn\'t seldom talk to them.

People in the village have never read a book, and their words are vulgar.

In the past, Qi duocai occasionally chatted with them, but he felt sad and angry because he couldn\'t stand their vulgarity.

He did not understand how these people who had not been educated by poetry, etiquette and music felt happy.

Chat with them about major events. The villagers don\'t know when they ask.

Talk to them about poetry and books. The villagers say those books are good for firewood.


Qiduocai said to these people: rotten wood cannot be carved!

We all get together in twos and threes to talk. Qi duocai is so bored that he can only walk around and have a look.

Longan couldn\'t help walking towards him.


"Eh, longan, why are you here?"

"I have nothing to do, so I\'ll come out for a walk. Togo, you have nothing to do."

"Yes, I\'ve just finished the exam. I\'m empty."

"Togo, you have to take the test again, don\'t you?"

"I was unlucky this time. I almost passed the exam. You don\'t know, I know several people who are very poor at reading.

I\'m so unconvinced. I blame my bad luck this time. When I come back next time, I can definitely pass the exam. "

"Then you have to work hard."

"HMM. by the way, I heard you\'re going to marry my fourth brother?"

"I..." longan suddenly didn\'t want to answer.

Qixingyun is such an unreasonable person. If she married her, Guiyuan can\'t imagine how dark the days will be from now on.

Before Qiduo came back, she didn\'t think it was bad to marry qixingyun.

After all, as long as she is positive, she will hurt women and make money.

But since Qiduo came back, longan suddenly felt that qixingyun was no better.

Qiduo can only read and write. He also went to the capital for an examination, which shows that people are as positive and progressive as others.

Moreover, a scholar who reads and reads clearly has a lot of advantages over a farmer who doesn\'t know big words.

In contrast, Qi duocai\'s character is really good.

Elegant, gentle and considerate.