My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 635

"Ah, I see."

Longan went out.

Wang said, "Liang Zi hasn\'t had a bath for a month. It\'s not easy to wash it once. You can\'t wash it clean with your help. I don\'t know when to wash it next time."

Han smiled, "that\'s what he said."

A pot of hot water was specially burned in the kitchen, which was ready to give Liang Zi a bath.

Longan hit a bucket of hot water and was about to come out. He just ran into Qi duocai who came in.

"Togo." Longan subconsciously shouted.

"Ah! Longan, what are you doing?"

"I\'m fetching water and bathing Liang Zi." Longan eyebrows and eyes.

Qi duocai saw that she was thin and weak, and couldn\'t help but feel pity. "The water is so heavy, I\'d better carry it for you."


"You\'re welcome."

With that, qiduocai man had come to longan and tried to help her carry water.

Longan was no longer forced, but smiled shyly, "thank you, Togo."

"That\'s what I should do." Qi duocai smiled quietly and politely.

They walked out of the kitchen together.

When shuiti went to the main house, qiduocai stopped in time and let longan go into the room.

Before parting, longan said happily, "it\'s very kind of you, Togo."

Can read, but also so good character, willing to help others.

Longan has been moved by his warmth and consideration.

Qi duocai scratched his head with embarrassment.

Longan blushed and went into the room.

in the house.

The topic of Wang and Han has shifted to longan.

They are discussing the date of marriage.

Longan and qixingyun are in a hurry to get married. They have to do it on the 15th of this month.

Wang is also afraid of long nights and dreams. He doesn\'t dare to delay too long.

"Longan is a good girl. I believe Lao Si will accept her..."

After Wang finished this sentence, longan came in.

So everyone looked at longan together.

Longan was full of Qi duocai and didn\'t pay attention to what everyone said.

She lifted a wisp of the sideburns behind her ears and asked with the a smile, "aunt, what are you talking about?"

Wang smiled vaguely. "What else can you say? It\'s about you and the fourth. You two will get married soon."

Hearing the speech, longan\'s smile coagulated.

Wang said, "why, you don\'t want to marry our fourth?"

Longan quickly shook his head, "I didn\'t, aunt, just brother Qi. Will he really promise?"

"As long as I put all the wedding wine on the table, he still has the reason to refuse."

Longan is a little thoughtful and doesn\'t know what to say.

"Don\'t worry, it\'s all right. Just be your bride.

There will be no less bride price in our family. My aunt sincerely hopes you will marry us. " Wang comforted.

Longan nodded, "HMM."

Wang murmured, "as you know, our fourth daughter-in-law won\'t do anything except earn a few silver.

I\'ve been through the door for so long, and I don\'t know I\'ve given birth to a fat little grandson. I\'m not meant to be angry. "

"Your fourth daughter-in-law is afraid that she has a real physical problem. She should go to see a doctor." Mother Li said.

She had heard Wang\'s story about her family for a long time.

Wang married another daughter-in-law for his son. It was not a very glorious thing, but it seemed logical because Chi Ziyu\'s stomach was useless.

Like most people, Li\'s mother understands Wang\'s practice very well.