My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 632

"Mother in law, I\'ll help you in and lie down for a while." Wang finally recovered.

"Ah. OK."


"The second sister-in-law\'s mother is really pregnant." After returning, Chi Ziyu was shocked by the accurate diagnosis of qixingyun.

He never examined Zhao\'s pulse. He only noticed the abnormality of others\' bodies after simply observing them.

His husband didn\'t feel it, but he was discovered by an outsider.

How careful he is.

If Zhao didn\'t eat too much today, resulting in abdominal pain, Chi Ziyu didn\'t seem to witness the power of qixingyun.

"Your medical skills must be very good." Chi Ziyu said.

"I only know a little about fur, and I don\'t know much about things too deep." Qixingyun road.

"As for you, don\'t be modest with me. I don\'t know you yet. I say I only know fur. In fact, you know a lot." Chi Ziyu teased him.

She never believed that he was a mediocre man.

If he wants, he can use his wisdom to show his talents in all aspects.

But he is so low-key that he will never expose his essence before the critical time.

With Qi Xingyun\'s amazing words today, the fact that Zhao is pregnant can set off a big storm in the eyes of everyone.

Qixingyun smiled disapprovingly, "OK, let\'s go to dinner. It\'s important to eat. Don\'t interfere in other things that shouldn\'t be our business."

He is not very interested in any topic that praises him and doesn\'t like to mention it.

Chi Ziyu didn\'t embarrass him, "HMM."


As Qi Xingyun said, Zhao did eat too much, plus abdominal pain caused by pregnancy.

When everyone went back to dinner, Zhao lay alone in Guo Jinlian\'s room to have a rest.

Before long, the stomach didn\'t hurt.

As like as two peas, the real pregnancy is squeezed into the stomach.

If you lie down for a long time, you will feel uncomfortable all over.

And my stomach is empty. I always want to eat.

So that I couldn\'t sleep over and over.

She sent so many gifts to stay at home today. It\'s not easy for her to eat so many meals at ease.

In the end, he vomited up in vain.

She ate the same as she didn\'t, and there was no satisfaction in her stomach.

This full moon wine can only be eaten once again. After a while, she has enough to lie down and almost has to go home.

If I go home today, I don\'t know when to have such a big meal next time.

Farmers can eat better only a few times a year.

Every new year\'s festival, catch up with others to do wine and do good deeds.

Who doesn\'t look forward to such a good day.

Now the family has so much rice, but there are so many mouths to eat.

People will take off their shape hungry after eating last meal every day

It\'s rare for Qijia to have so many delicious food. If she can have a full meal today, she can definitely take three or four meals.

Next, their family can cook without making a fire. What a good thing to save.

But if you go back empty today, you will suffer too much!

Anyway, you have to eat the gift book back.

She came here today with the great goal of eating back

The more you think, the harder it is to calm down.

Finally, Zhao decided to get out of bed.

"Mom, what are you doing?" The old five by the bed asked.

Zhao held his stomach and said, "my mother is starving. Go and have something to eat."