My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 631

"- fourth brother, please lend me some silver. I\'ll go to the doctor. I know you have money."

Unexpectedly, Qi Xingyun said surprisingly, "your mother\'s stomach ache is just because she is pregnant. In addition, she eats too much food, and her intestines and stomach are squeezed. Just have a rest."

Just when he saw Zhao wolfing down, he had a hunch that it was bad, but he didn\'t say anything.

As soon as the voice fell, everyone looked at Zhao\'s stomach.

Guo Jinlian also looked at the past in a daze. She saw Zhao\'s skinny and flat stomach.

Guo Jinlian immediately expressed her distrust. "Who are you cheating, fourth brother? How can my mother..."

There was a red cloud on Zhao\'s pale face. He stopped and said, "Golden Lotus."

"Ah, mother, what\'s the matter?"

"You have a brother again." Zhao curved his lips and said calmly.

"What?" Guo Jinlian was shocked.

As a husband, Guo Yi was also stunned, "old woman, what did you say, you... You have it again?!"

Zhao had never told him about it before. He was completely in the dark.

Zhao sipped his white lips and whispered, "yes. I\'m afraid the child has been three months. I think I\'m so old.

I was afraid that the fetus was unstable in the first three months, which worried you, so I didn\'t tell you. "

"Niang..." Guo Jinlian felt like she was dreaming, "you... You are so old, how can you still give birth..."

"I just want to have more sons." Zhao said shyly, "the more sons, the better. Someone will do the work at home in the future, just like Duojin\'s family."

"Don\'t I already have two brothers..."

Guo Jinlian doesn\'t like the life in Zhao\'s stomach.

The family is like that, still alive! Who raised it

"I didn\'t expect my in laws to have a stomachache when they were pregnant. It really startled me." Wang smiled and said, "Congratulations, there will be more people in your family."

In fact, what I think in my heart is that the old woman is old and still tries hard to have children, and she is not afraid to toss herself to death.

But I think it\'s been three months since Zhao was pregnant.

Even the Guo family don\'t know. How does qixingyun know?

Qi Xingyun has never been in contact with Zhao. Today is the first time he has taken the initiative to speak.

If it weren\'t for him, the family wouldn\'t know what it would be like at the moment.

It\'s rare.

Wang\'s eyes at qixingyun are very strange, just like looking at a monster.

Her son has been raised for so many years, even if he is not his own.

She didn\'t know how many pounds he had. She didn\'t expect him to be so sharp in some things.

Even know more than her old woman.

Of course, when you look at Zhao, you also look at qixingyun.

Today, he woke up the people with a word. After all, he has some skills. Everyone\'s eyes are full of admiration and surprise.

Qixingyun regarded everyone as air and said quietly, "Mrs. Guo just needs a good rest and remember not to overeat."

"Ah, I see..."

Zhao\'s head hung low. When he was so old, he asked a younger generation to lecture him.

I\'m really sorry

However, I hid such a deep thing that a big man picked it out.

I\'m afraid it\'s golden eyes.

The fourth old man of Qijia hasn\'t heard what he has done. What can he do?

She was wandering, Qihang cloud and Chi Ziyu turned and left.