My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 633

"But mother, aren\'t you afraid to hold on?"

The fifth thought he ate too much today. He was so tired that he just wanted to sit on the stool and didn\'t want to move.

"Hey, I threw up. If I don\'t hurry to eat now, I won\'t have to eat later." Zhao was unwilling to say.

Despite the old five\'s dissuasion, Zhao went out.

Casually found an empty table, took the dishes and chopsticks and began to sweep wildly.

Seeing this scene, Qi shuipei hurried back to the house to make a small report with Wang.

Wang is rummaging around looking for the clothes Liang Zi should wear for a bath.

Today is a good day. All kinds of relatives are here.

Liang Zi hasn\'t taken a bath for so long. It\'s easier for everyone to help.

"Mom, the dead old woman of the Guo family is ill. My four brothers all said that she was pregnant and had to eat to make her stomach ache.

Why did she run back to eat? Why didn\'t she die? " Qi shuipei muttered unhappily.

"What?!" Wang\'s face suddenly changed. "Go and put away all the dishes on that table. Don\'t give them to her. We have no food left.

Their family threw up after eating so much today. It\'s useless to eat more!

I have so many meals that I might as well feed them to piglets. At least I can sell money by feeding them. The Guo family can fart! That\'s waste! "

"I\'ll stop her now."

With that, qishuipei happily ran to collect the dishes.

This time, Zhao occupied the whole table alone.

The guests have left, and there is still some food left.

Zhao holds a sea bowl with a sharp pile of food. He eats alone with his mouth full of oil and his face full of satisfaction.

Qishuipei frowned in disgust and rushed to serve the dishes.

"Ai Ai! Shui Pei, what are you doing? Why are you serving me? I have to eat! I\'m not full!" Zhao stopped.

"Eat a fart. I don\'t see that everyone is full and left. You\'re still sitting here alone. You didn\'t eat just now. Pig, you eat so much!" The habitat is full of water.

It\'s impossible for Wang Shi, such a villain, to do it. After all, she is the facade of her family.

Her words and deeds represent the attitude of home.

She is easy to be criticized for her bad work.

It\'s different when qishuipei comes forward to solve it.

Zhao was upset and couldn\'t say anything about qishuipei. At most, it was because she didn\'t respect her elders.

If things really can\'t end, Wang can come out as a red face and say that his daughter is still young and not sensible.

The mistakes made by the younger generation can be forgiven, and we won\'t be particularly fussy.

In this way, Wang can kill two birds with one stone.

Zhao\'s face flushed with choking, "shuipei, what are you talking about? You didn\'t see that I just threw up..."

"It\'s none of my business that you vomited. No one else vomited. Why did you vomit? There are so many things for an old woman like you!

Who\'s so shameless like you? After eating one meal after another, you think my family runs a charity hall! "

"Why are you such a child..." Zhao Shi was very silent about Qi shuipei\'s arrogance, and didn\'t know what to say about her.

After all, Zhao himself did not do well in this matter.

"I\'m like this. What can you do? Don\'t think you\'re my second sister-in-law\'s mother. I can do to you. How big your face is.

I used to come to my house to eat and drink. I don\'t know if I can eat at home and come back to our house.

People in their 40s and 50s, how can they be so shameless! I\'m not afraid of being ashamed! "