My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 630

Li\'s mother was just full of resentment against Zhao\'s dinner. At the moment, she sympathized with her.

After eating so many things hard, I threw up a few times.

What a waste.

"Mom, let\'s call a doctor." Guo Jinlian said to Wang.

Wang groaned, "what a big thing. Please also ask the doctor. Is the doctor your family? Your mother has enough to eat. It\'s not easy to spit out!"

When it comes to eating, Wang is angry.

You deserve it! Dead old woman, eat so much alone!

Several of her relatives were so angry that they could only stare.

Zhao finally threw up, but his stomach was still flustered.

She kept trying to open her mouth and vomit, but because her stomach was empty, she vomited sour water at most.

Look at her spitting for so long. When she looked up again, the corners of her mouth were stained with some rice grains, and her hair was wet by spittle and stuck on her face.

The big guy couldn\'t help sighing.

What kind of evil is this? You can eat every meal, so

"Jin Lian... I... my stomach hurts..." Zhao covered his painful stomach and tears ran down uncontrollably.

The stomach is better, but the stomach pain is still there.

Zhao, who was just full of spirit, vomited and had no spirit at all.

Wilting, like frost eggplant.

"Dad, let\'s go to the doctor and have a look. My mother has a stomachache..." Guo Jinlian was eager to save her mother.

Qijiabao sighed, "maybe it\'s just eating. Don\'t worry too much."

The implication is that there\'s really nothing to find a doctor.

Guo Jinlian had to turn to Guo Yi, "Dad..."

Guo Yi hung his head, pursed his dry lips and said, "Dad... No money..."

The family is too poor to cook.

Don\'t spend money to see a doctor.

Guo Jinlian thought for a moment, suddenly released Zhao and rushed out.


"Sister in law! I beg you to save my mother!"

As soon as Guo Jinlian saw Chi Ziyu, she cried and pulled her.

Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun are sitting and chatting under their ginkgo tree.

I don\'t know what happened in the main house.

But Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun didn\'t mean to watch the excitement.

But Guo Jinlian suddenly rushed over and looked sad.

"My mother has just been vomiting. She said she has a stomachache. I\'m afraid of something wrong with her. I want to call a doctor to see her, but my parents won\'t..." Guo Jinlian said more and more.

No matter how short-sighted Guo Jinlian is, she is also a child.

What happened to her parents? She can never imagine the consequences.

"Sister in law, can you lend me some money? I\'ll go to the doctor. I beg you. I\'ll pay you back this time."


"Let\'s go and have a look." Qixingyun suddenly said in a deep voice.

"All right."

Guo Jinlian hurriedly took them there as if she had caught the straw.

"You see, my mother is like this..."

At this time, Zhao was helped to sit down on a stool, but his hand kept covering his stomach.

His face was pale for a while, and his lips were not red at all.

It seems that her stomach really hurts.

Zhao looked at Chi Ziyu powerlessly and said unhappily, "Jin Lian, why did you ask them to come..."

They are not doctors. What can they do... They can\'t relieve her pain.

Qixingyun said, "Mrs. Guo really ate too much."

"Everyone knows when you eat too much. I just vomited out. My mother has a stomachache now. Look at her pain."