My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 629

So before Wang separated the Guo family alone, for fear that they would affect the interest of other guests.

But when Wang saw the gifts from the Guo family today, he thought that their living conditions had come up and should no longer be as fierce as the hungry wolf.

As a result... Wang really overestimated them.

"In laws! You can\'t be reserved when you eat. My other in laws haven\'t stretched out their chopsticks yet. I say what\'s your name? Really..." Wang\'s super speechless.

Guo Yi and Zhao are busy cooking.

Hearing the speech, Zhao put down his bowl and said with a mouthful of rice, "there are still dishes on the table. I just told them to eat, but they don\'t eat."

GUI family and Li family: "

Wang\'s face turned green. I don\'t know what to say about their Guo family.

"In laws, can you eat slowly? Others haven\'t eaten yet." Wang said.

Zhao still eats wildly, "Cheng."


The Guo family, who was clearly told by Wang, converged a little.

Zhao urged his children to finish eating and get off the table.

So in the end.

Zhao and Guo Yi were the only ones who robbed rice with the Li and GUI families.

Both of them are adults. From last night\'s hunger to this morning, they have long been hungry and dizzy, with their front chest close to their back.

If you don\'t take the time to eat now, you\'ll treat yourself badly.

When Zhao had the sixth bowl of rice.

Suddenly, she had a cramp in her stomach, and she couldn\'t eat anything.

So I went down to the table early and planned to eat.

It didn\'t take two steps.

There was a tumult in my stomach.

Zhao covered his mouth for fear that the food would spit out.

Every time a meal came up her throat, she forced herself to swallow it.

So back and forth, Zhao\'s stomach was uncomfortable to death, and tears were forced out.

Others were somewhat frightened when they saw this. They asked kindly, "what\'s the matter with you, sister-in-law?"

Zhao resisted several vomits and reluctantly said, "I\'ve eaten too much and I feel like vomiting..."

The words just fell. Zhao didn\'t control them. Wow, the food in his stomach gushed out like a flood opening the gate.

"Vomit -"

A pile of undigested dirt splashed on the ground.

"Sister Qi! Someone threw up. Come and have a look! Come and have a look!" Someone panicked and shouted quickly.

So the big guys surrounded in panic.

Wang also rushed to Zhao and screamed, "what\'s the matter with you, in laws? Don\'t scare me! You said this good full moon wine..."

Her food is not poisonous. Don\'t kill anyone

Zhao was still vomiting, and the whole man was too tired to straighten up.

She ate too much today. Her stomach couldn\'t bear it, and her stomach hurt.

"I think I\'ve eaten too much." Qishuipei hugged his chest and said, "when she came to our house, she didn\'t eat a lot. It\'s good not to vomit to death."

"Pei\'er, don\'t talk nonsense." Qijiabao stopped.

At this time, Guo Jinlian rushed out of the house, "Mom, what\'s the matter with you?"

Guo Jinlian\'s tears burst out on the spot.

Old six and old seven saw this and cried out.

Other people who were still eating had no appetite and gathered around one after another.

"What\'s the matter? Why did you throw up?"

"I don\'t know."


"I just saw her eat six bowls of rice." Han said to Li\'s mother, "don\'t hold on."

Mother Li nodded, "maybe it is. You say she has a woman\'s house. How can she eat so much..."