My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 622

"All right, all right, stop talking." Chi zhenbusy winked at Jiang Shi.

Just let it go.

Such a good atmosphere cannot be broken because of their late arrival.

Jiang stopped for a moment, and it was really boring to quarrel again.

She came to eat full moon wine today, not to quarrel.

Thanks to you!

"If I don\'t say it, I won\'t say it. Anyway, everyone is the same.

You come to my house to give gifts for dinner, and I also come to your house to give gifts for dinner. It\'s not who\'s right and who\'s wrong.

Who can tell? You have more mouths to eat at home than we do. " Before long, Jiang muttered again.

This is so righteous that Wang and qijiabao can\'t answer back.

Jiang glanced proudly at the two relatives, and inadvertently saw Qi duocai on one side.

"Oh! Isn\'t this Qi Laosan? I almost didn\'t recognize him. I thought he was your noble relative who lives in the city.

I didn\'t expect it was the third. When did you go home? Why didn\'t I see you last time. " Jiang\'s rare way.

Qi duocai respectfully arched his hand and said, "I just came back today."

Jiang glanced up and down at Qi duocai for several times and said with a smile, "OK, your third child, you are capable. Go to the capital to have a test, and you have changed greatly when you come back.

What\'s the matter? How was your exam this time? Did the emperor give you a big official? "

Hearing the speech, Qi duocai smiled, "the younger generation has little talent and shallow learning..."

"Don\'t drag these useless things with me. I don\'t understand. I just ask if you have passed the exam..."

Jiang Shi had asked, but he saw the red and white faces of a group of people in Qijia and immediately understood.

"Oh, I didn\'t pass the exam. It\'s all right. Just take the exam next time. I\'ll always pass the exam.

Like my family Laifu, I don\'t have your ability. I know to eat and sleep all day. If you don\'t read well, you can go to the capital for an exam.

The temperament is different when I go home. The childe in the city is really saibi immortal. " Jiang didn\'t know whether to praise or belittle the tunnel.

"In laws, you are really rich. You have raised a scholar. Now you have developed your brother. It seems that you don\'t have to worry about reading again." Jiang said again.

Wang\'s mouth was slightly pursed, his eyes were resentful, but he didn\'t say a word.

Qi duocai finally felt a little ashamed and said, "it\'s not easy for me to study at home. I\'ll cherish it..."

"What\'s the use of cherishing? You have to take action to prove it. At least you can get a senior official, but I think they are very willing to be in laws.

Don\'t worry about these things. As long as you can\'t read to death, just read to death. In laws, they can sell iron for you all your life. " Jiang said.

Wang secretly scolded: dead old woman, what pot doesn\'t open!

Jiang Shi didn\'t seem to see Wang Shi\'s gloomy face. He opened his mouth and was about to barabarabara.

Qiduocai finally couldn\'t stand it and interrupted, "Mom and Dad, you don\'t have to worry. I will work harder this time.

And I\'d like to. I\'m going to teach in the Academy so that I can earn money to support myself and don\'t have to spend a penny of my family. "

Wang had never thought of Qi duocai\'s plan before. He hurriedly said, "duocai, don\'t listen to other people\'s nonsense. Parents have money to support you for a lifetime."