My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 623

"- parents, as long as you concentrate on the exam, you don\'t do anything else, it\'s easy to be distracted..."

"Mom, you don\'t have to worry. I still have two years to study. I\'ll test my achievements while teaching. I\'ll be able to pass the exam next time." It takes a lot to settle the road.

"Third, you have to think clearly." Qijiabao said.

"Yes, third brother, since you have chosen to do it again, you should concentrate and read wholeheartedly.

Don\'t think about these useless things in your mind. You don\'t have to worry about family affairs, me and my parents. " Qiduodi said painfully.

He sincerely hopes that the third can get a reputation, so that he doesn\'t have to face the Loess and back to the sky like him every day.

"I\'ve figured it out. I\'m in my twenties. I can\'t rely on my family anymore. I want to make money by myself.

To feed myself, I can\'t give my parents and big brothers any more trouble. " Qi duocai said.

"Old three..."

"I\'ve made up my mind. Dad, don\'t persuade me."

"Qi Laosan, your father, they are also for you. Don\'t be impulsive." Han also spoke.

Qi duocai looked at her strangely. Wang quickly introduced, "this is aunt GUI of our village. Next to her daughter Guiyuan and her son Guisheng, do you remember them?"

Qi duocai looked at longan and Guisheng again.

Longan just looked up and collided with Qi duocai\'s line of sight.

Suddenly, longan blushed and dropped her head with a heartbeat.

It\'s not the first time she and Qi duocai have met.

It\'s just on such an occasion today, so close.

It\'s really eye-catching to have a jade tree facing the wind and elegant appearance.

Although qilaosan is not as good-looking as qilaosi, he is also gentle and beautiful.

Read a book, full of ink.

I also took an exam in the capital. Although I didn\'t pass the exam, I\'m much better than them.

In any case, it is very promising.

And qilaosi, no matter how proud he is at present, will only be a businessman in the future.

The top broke the sky, that is, a small rich man with several acres of land.

The smell of copper all over is still worthless.

And Qi Laosi\'s temper is not as good as Qi Laosan\'s.

The third is an elegant scholar. He speaks slowly and softly. He is very human at first sight.

Unlike Qi Laosi, he is always fierce to others

No wonder everyone didn\'t like him before.

Longan thought.

She seemed to be thinking a little wrong, but she didn\'t realize it at all.

Guisheng and qiduocai had a face-to-face meeting, and then called out, "good third brother qiduocai."

Qi duocai nodded, "well."

"Thank you, aunt GUI. I know Dad, they are all for me, but I can\'t be so ignorant anymore." Qi duocai said, "I know it\'s not easy for my parents to farm for a living. I\'ll try to earn money to support my family like my eldest and second brothers in the future."

Wang was moved and tears filled his eyes, "many talents..."


"Third brother, I knew you were the best and loved our parents most." Qi shuipei said.


At the moment, Qijia is performing a classic scene of mother kindness and son filial piety.

People can\'t help but see the heat in their eyes.

At first, Jiang, the culprit who provoked the topic, wanted to humiliate Qi duocai. It was useless, but he turned upside down.

Jiang finally couldn\'t stand it. He put down his face and went to occupy a seat for dinner.

Wang watched the Jiang family leave.