My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 621

Qi duocai was surrounded by big guys and went to have a look at Liang Zi.

Liang Zi giggled as soon as he saw Qi duocai.

Qiduocai happily teased Xialiangzi and said, "my little nephew loves to laugh. Otherwise, it\'s called Xiaosheng. He was born with a smile, grew up with a smile and always smiles."

"Qi... Laugh... Sheng." Qijiabao pondered his name, nodded and said, "well, it\'s not bad."

Qiduocai smiled, "Xiaosheng, this child loves to laugh so much that he will be blessed in the future."

"Third brother, your name is good. I like it. Xiaosheng, Xiaosheng, it\'s really nice!" Guo Jinlian said happily.

"Liang Zi\'s name is Qi Xiaosheng." Qijiabao said.


"Yo! Who is it? Who\'s qixiaosheng? Shouldn\'t it be the child..." Jiang\'s voice suddenly came in.

The big guy made way for Jiang, and Jiang came with his family.

"In laws." Jiang greeted with a smile.

No matter how deeply I hate Wang, I must not be too obvious in front of people.

Wang smiled, "my in laws are coming."

In fact, the calculating eyes of the two women have long exposed everything.

"What are you doing, so busy?" Asked Jiang.

Just asked, he asked Qi shuipei to impolitely fill a cup of tea.

Jiang almost didn\'t die of being scalded by the tea. He scolded, "what\'s the matter with you little girl? Give me such hot tea and want to scald me!"

Qishuipei dug her, "who doesn\'t drink such hot tea? Why are you making a fuss!"

"Then you can\'t be so rude..."

"All right, all right, my daughter is still young and not sensible. Just be considerate of her in laws." Wang said.

Jiang disdainfully left his mouth, "all people are going to talk about marriage. It\'s sixteen this year. Where is it small?"

"I\'m not married, but I\'m still young." Qishui Pei Road.

Jiang Shi cut angrily.

The same rude way of delivering tea, Qi shuipei performed on Chi Zhen, Chi Laifu and Shu Liu.

Chi Zhen and Chi Laifu were scalded. Shu Liu directly refused the tea handed over by qishuipei.

"I don\'t like tea."

"Don\'t drink if you don\'t like it. I didn\'t beg you!" Qi shuipei took his tea instead.

After delivering the tea, Qi shuipei turned back and muttered reluctantly, "what the hell? It\'s just a full moon wine. As for the whole family coming to eat overlord meal! This face is really bigger than your ass!"

Jiang heard it and raised his eyebrows.

He immediately shouted, "last time I had a drink, your family came and occupied two big tables in my house.

My guests have no place to eat when they come. I said, "what did you say?"

As soon as this remark came out, the big guys all sighed with special approval.

Qijia didn\'t separate at that time. One room, two rooms, three rooms, four rooms and five rooms.

Men and women, old and young, can\'t sit at an eight immortals table.

Qi shuipei\'s face turned green. He didn\'t think that Jiang\'s family was still holding on to this handle.

Wang Shi was very embarrassed and interrupted with a smile, "pei\'er, don\'t talk nonsense. It\'s a guest. People\'s late home and we are in laws. It\'s normal to have more people to eat."

Jiang said, "well, you said you didn\'t divide your family. You came to my house with a large group of cubs, the eldest, the second, the third, the fourth and the fifth.

I only gave gifts from one family. I didn\'t point to my nose at the beginning. It can be seen how generous I am... "