My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 620

"Mother." Qiduocai hurriedly interrupted, "I\'m really a little... I passed the exam."

"What?! almost?!" Wang was struck by thunder.

I almost missed the exam.

Qijiabao\'s mind was blank. He murmured for a long time, "how could he fail to pass the exam..."

The aunt who had just been wronged by Wang smiled sarcastically.

You\'re not afraid to flash your tongue when you talk big. Hit your face this time!

Does your face still hurt!

Wang Shi thought a lot at this moment, and his heart was very depressed.

Finally, he squeezed out a smile and comforted, "it doesn\'t matter. There are many talents and opportunities.

You\'re so young that you can squeeze into the capital to take the exam. You\'re just a little short of passing the exam. You\'re already very good.

There are few excellent people like you in our whole river city. Who dares to laugh at you.

They haven\'t even read a book. They don\'t know how hard and tired the exam is. They just stand and talk without backache... "

Said, Wang Shi also stared at the aunt.

Qiduo had long been relieved, "parents, don\'t be sad. Wait for me for another two years, and I will definitely be admitted next time."

"Yes, that\'s right. My son is so good that he can\'t pass the exam." Wang comforted himself.

"Still take the exam..." Qi Duojin muttered, "if we don\'t pass the exam next time, we\'ll keep you alive for so many years..."

"Shut up!" Wang stared at him. "Did you say that about your brother? Your brother can study and become a useful man. That\'s the good life that our Laoqi family has begged for all his life!

Fortune tellers have said that he is a dragon and Phoenix among people and a dragon in the water. He will be admitted in the future! "

"Don\'t be careless. Both your father and mother support you in reading. Don\'t listen to your second brother\'s nonsense. He has never read a book and doesn\'t know the benefits of reading.

In the future, if you become a senior official, your second brother will only dig in the ground. Your two lives will be in the mud and the sky. It\'s too late for your second brother to envy you. " Wang said again.

"Second, pay attention to your words. Third, reading is a good thing. You don\'t want to keep him. We do. Your mother and I are still healthy and can afford it." Qijiabao also said.

Qi Duojin was helpless. "Dad, I don\'t mean that. I want to say that the third brother has read for so many years. We are doing everything at home.

He can\'t read anything except reading. Seeing more and more people eating in our family, it must be more and more difficult in the future. "

"It\'s no better. There\'s a boss on it. What are you worrying about?" Wang dug him, "worthless thing! If you go out to live by yourself, you will still starve to death!"

Qi Duojin: "

Wang turned to Qi duocai and said, "duocai, don\'t worry. You have to read. We are 10000 happy. The better you read, the happier your parents will be.

By the way, your second sister-in-law gave birth to a fat boy this time. I\'m waiting for you, a scholar, to name him today. "

"Really! My second sister-in-law gave birth to a son?!" Qi duocai was very excited.

He\'s a uncle again.

"Yes, my son, the first little grandson of our family, his nickname is Liangzi." Wang smiled with curved eyebrows.

Guo Jinlian has long been unable to bear the loneliness of holding Liangzi out to meet Qi duocai. "Third brother, you\'re finally back. I\'ll wait for you to come back and name my son!"

"Second sister-in-law!"