My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 619

"Well, you\'re right. In fact, many people don\'t want to understand this truth.

I\'ve always felt that there are many people and great power, and I won\'t consider whether the children\'s living place is good or not. The poor are passed on from generation to generation, and I can never escape from the bottom of life... "

While talking, there was an abnormal noise outside.

Chi Ziyu vaguely heard them saying that Qi duo came back.

Chi Ziyu was very curious, so he pulled Qi Xingyun out to watch the excitement.

Qiduo is really back.

He came back with a high profile.

Riding in a gorgeous carriage rented from nowhere, he was also dressed in royal clothes and had a jade hairpin on his head.

Going out for a test is like participating in a costume show. When you come back, you will change your face.

The paper fan in his hand shook gently and his clothes fluttered.

Handsome face with a smile, scholar romantic.

The whole body reveals the literati\'s elegant temperament.

Almost all the people who came to Qijia ran to surround qiduocai.

Everyone exclaimed.

"You see, is this still your third brother? I can\'t recognize it." Chi Ziyu surprised to live together in the clouds.

Qixingyun\'s eyes were quiet: "he has changed a lot."

"It\'s changed too much. Now it looks like a noble childe in the city. Where do we still look like countrymen.

Did he really go to the exam? I suspect he has gone to the capital to enjoy happiness... "Chi Ziyu couldn\'t help laughing.

Even if you need to dress well and decently to go to the capital for the exam, qiduocai won\'t change so much.

It\'s like the upper class social temperament slowly developed after staying in the circle of dignitaries in Beijing for a long time.

God knows what happened to qiduocai in the capital this month.

Qijiabao and Wang have stood beside qiduocai excitedly.

Wang Shi held Qi duocai\'s hand and cried, "son, you\'ve been outside for so long. How are you?"

"Mom, you don\'t have to worry. I\'m doing well." Qi duocai patted her on the arm.

"How was your exam?" Qijiabao asked him.

Hearing the speech, Qi duocai\'s face was slightly heavy and sighed gently.

"What\'s the matter? Did you pass or didn\'t you pass?" Qijiabao\'s whole heart hung up.

Qiduocai had the heart to tell them this fact.

From the day he read the list, he was very sad. He drank flower wine every day, and the whole person was depressed.

Later, his friends tried to ease him.

They said that there were so many people in the Jiangcheng to Beijing examination this time, only one person passed the examination.

We all make complaints about the difficulty of the exam this year, which is much harder than before. So many people fail.

Qi duocai was happy to see that all the people around him had failed.

Anyway, it\'s the end of the world.

If you keep the green mountains, you won\'t be afraid of no firewood.

"Dad, I tell you, I\'m almost... Alas... Just a little..." Qi duocai opened his mouth and stopped talking.

Qijiabao was frightened by him and urged, "what\'s the difference?"

"Yes, duocai. Tell me quickly. My mother is dying of anxiety." Wang wiped his tears and said that his dry hands had been wet.

"Duocai, it doesn\'t matter if you don\'t pass the exam. I heard my relatives say that it\'s really difficult to take the exam..." an aunt in the crowd comforted.

Wang immediately gouged out one eye and said fiercely, "nonsense. My son is so smart that he can\'t pass the exam..."