My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 614

Wang began to look for people everywhere.

Chi Ziyu was called by Chen Xiang to serve vegetables in the kitchen. He heard the voice, "I\'m serving vegetables. What\'s the matter?"

Wang rushed into the kitchen. "There\'s not enough garlic. Go and pull some of your family!"

"Mom, don\'t you have one?"

"I\'m not saving it for the next wine. After this, what are you going to eat! Eat the northwest wind!" Wang\'s reason is strong.

Chi Ziyu laughed, "next time, do you want a wine? What kind of wine? Do you want a wedding wine for my husband? It\'s beautiful! Don\'t give it!"

"What are you doing? I just asked you for some garlic. Look what you\'ve done! Why are you so black hearted.

I don\'t know that I love your mother-in-law! Do you still deserve to be our daughter-in-law? I really don\'t know how old four married such a heartless thing like you! " Wang began to wail.

Chi Ziyu had long been used to her lines and calmly replied, "yes! I\'m stingy! I\'m black hearted! Mom, you don\'t know who I am the first day!

And come to me and tell me what to teach? You are determined to marry my husband and run against me. Xingyun and I disagree. Have you listened?

If you don\'t go your own way, why don\'t you say you\'re dead and selfish!

Now you know you\'re coming to ask me for benefits. Do you think I\'m a living Guanyin Bodhisattva? Will I listen to you? There are no doors! "

"You!" Wang was so angry that he bit his silver teeth, "black heart\'s inferior goods. You\'re so kind to your mother-in-law in the world..."

Chi Ziyu snorted coldly, "don\'t rely on the old to sell the old, you\'re not necessarily noble..."

"You scold me again!"

Chi Ziyu glared at her, "don\'t scold? OK, control your own mouth first!"

Wang only felt that his blood was surging all over his body and his face was red with anger, so he almost fainted on the ground.

After thinking about it, I went out and called longan.

"Longan! Longan!"

"Ah!" Longan heard the sound.

"Do you have garlic?" Wang looked at Chi Ziyu and asked deliberately.

Longan also looked at Chi Ziyu. He didn\'t know why. He still said, "yes, aunt, do you want garlic? I\'ll tell you now."

"Yes, I want three or four kilograms. Go and pull some for me." Wang said.

"Well, good."

"Originally, I meant to ask my fourth in law, but as a result, some people were stingy on their father-in-law.

The people in the family are also fighting hard. They haven\'t seen anything like this. Forget it, you\'d better be Miss longan... "Wang pointed to sang and scolded Huai.

Longan seconds understand, comfort way, "it doesn\'t matter, aunt, my family planted a lot of garlic, how much you want."

"Longan, it\'s very kind of you." Wang gratefully held longan\'s hand. "If I want a girl like you, it\'s worth my life."

Longan smiled shyly, "aunt, don\'t say that. I should."

"You are really a sensible girl..." Wang couldn\'t help shaking the longan. "OK, go and help me pull some garlic. I\'m still in a hurry."

"Well, I\'ll go now."

With that, longan hurried out.

Wang turned around and glared at Chi Ziyu.

Chi Ziyu shrugged as if nothing had happened.

Anyway, she feels good about herself. If she is stingy, she will be stingy. If Wang is unhappy, he will kill her.

At first, she really didn\'t want her relationship with Wang to get to this point.