My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 613

Busy, Wang did not forget to tell Qi shuipei.

Qishuipei was busy setting the table and bench. When he heard the speech, he answered, "ah! I know. I\'ll go and have a look!"

"Second daughter-in-law, why haven\'t you cooked your hot water? When the guests come to drink your blood later? Why is it so slow!" Wang also commanded Wang Yinger.

"It\'s burning. The water is boiling!"

Wang Yinger was sitting in front of the stove with a big stomach to make a fire. She was sweating in the hot weather.

It hasn\'t rained in Jiangcheng for many days. The leaves on the trees are scorched and drooping listlessly.

It\'s too hot in this three volt day.

Outside, the sun is burning in the sky, and the red sun is like a ball of fire.

In the bamboo forest, cicadas are also hysterical and endless.

People dare not go out easily. Most of them stay at home to enjoy the cool.

When there is no wind, people can get sweat all over and panic all over.

However, once the draught passed, it was very cool immediately.

The kitchen is different. The kitchen is burning and the temperature is high.

Still in the square space, the hot air inside can\'t flow out, and the cool wind outside can\'t blow in.

People can heat themselves to death by staying in the kitchen, especially in front of the stove.

"Hurry up, add fire and don\'t grind haw. You have to fry some dishes in this pot later! If you are so slow, guests can only drink tea after a long time!"


Wang Yinger was already going to faint.

At this moment, I am busy. The vigorous fire is burning on my cheeks. It is hot, and the whole person is dizzy.

Her due date is in these days. She feels her stomach from time to time to feel the little life inside.

She\'s not as lucky as Guo Jinlian.

His wife was born.

The children were born just in time for the festival, and the days were very leisurely.

Later, because of her good life, she gave birth to a son. Wang indulged her even more. She didn\'t have to do any work. She just needed to lie down and eat well, drink well, and take care of Liang Zi

These days, Qi\'s family is preparing the full moon wine. She doesn\'t ask for help. They all work by their own people. She\'s almost tired and broken her waist.

She\'s looking forward to the full moon wine now, or she won\'t be able to hold on.

Not without complaining.

Every time Wang Yinger complained to Qi Duojin about his back pain and couldn\'t do too much work, Wang suddenly flashed out against her.

It\'s said that women who are pregnant don\'t work. Pregnant women still work in the field with a big stomach the day before delivery, and they wash their clothes every day when they are in confinement

Wang Ying\'er was rejected by Wang Shi. It was a constant cry.

In a word, Wang Yinger is the most difficult daughter-in-law to enter Wang\'s eyes.

Concubine, low status.

When I was young, my style was not good.

I don\'t know how many men I have an ambiguous relationship with. The wind rating in the village is the worst.

Every time people mention Qijia, the most favorite topic is the two or three things Wang Yinger has to say.

What do you say? Such a dirty bad woman has been accepted by Qi Duojin. The threshold for Qi to marry a daughter-in-law is too low.

Because of Wang Ying\'er, the reputation of the whole habitat was in a mess.

Wang has a deep resentment against Wang Yinger. Sometimes she wants to disappear in the village one day and give everyone a good time.

"Sister-in-law Qi, you don\'t have enough garlic!" Suddenly someone shouted.

"Ah, I\'ll pull some back now!" Wang Yingxia.

"Old fourth daughter-in-law, where have you been?"