My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 615

Who doesn\'t want to live in peace at home, everyone lives in harmony.

It\'s noisy all day. Is it annoying

Now Wang can\'t see her. He can\'t find happiness for her.

Then she\'s not polite. Wang should be unhappy in the future. There will be no less.

Chi Ziyu doesn\'t intend to be soft, and he doesn\'t mean to make peace on the surface.

Tear it. The worse it is, the better.

Anyway, qixingyun doesn\'t bother Wang for two days.

Now he and Chi Ziyu are on the United Front. Chi Ziyu should be cruel and have less scruples.

Relatives of the Guo family came the earliest.

Guo Jinlian has seven siblings in her family.

Guo Jinlian is the eldest in the family. There are four younger sisters and two younger brothers.

Two of the four sisters have married and have family constraints.

There are two left, one old five is only eleven years old, and the other old seven can walk.

Of the two younger brothers, the eldest brother is the second in the family. He has got married and has a child.

However, the eldest brother went out to work with his daughter-in-law and son for the survival of a large family. He came home a few times a year.

The little brother is the sixth in the family and is only five years old.

The parents of the Guo family brought the remaining three children to their home. The noise was vast and powerful.

Qi Duojin was working in the yard and saw the family first.

But he still pretended not to see it. With a faint turn of sight, he hummed a little song and went busy with his own business.

Seeing this, Zhao, Guo Jinlian\'s mother, rushed up excitedly and grabbed Qi Duojin\'s way:

"Son in law, where are you going? Didn\'t you see us coming to your house? Why did you call us..."

"You let go." Qi Duojin pushed Zhao away.

Zhao let go, "where\'s Jinlian? Where is she?"

"In the house." Qiduojin snorted and glanced disdainfully into the room.

Zhao smiled happily. "I heard that Jinlian of my family gave birth to a fat boy this time. I\'m so happy to be a grandmother."

Qi Duojin rolled his eyes.

Guo Yi, Guo Jinlian\'s father, came up with a basket covered with red cloth and said, "how golden it is. Can you take us to see our daughter?"

"Go by yourself, not without hands and feet." Qi Duojin didn\'t have a good airway. "I have something else to do. I don\'t care about you."

With that, Qi Duojin was about to leave. As a result, he found that his two thighs had been hugged.

The sixth and seventh of the Guo family, a man and a woman.

A man held Qi Duojin\'s thigh, raised his forehead and looked at him eagerly.

Both children were malnourished and bony.

But I don\'t know who picked up the rest of the clothes. They didn\'t change their size. They were very fat. Their hands and feet were covered by their wide sleeves.

As soon as the wind passed, the clothes immediately puffed, as if they were hiding something.

As soon as qiduojin lowered his head, he saw the mottled, white, yellow and black marks on the old fourth sleeve.

Thick, thin

I don\'t know when I wiped my nose.

It seems that it is not easy to catch cold now

According to the lazy inertia of the whole Guo family, these clothes... I\'m afraid they haven\'t been washed for months.

Thinking of this, Qi Duojin immediately pulled away these little children with a disgusted face, "get out of the way, it\'s really in the way!"

If the two children refused, Qi Duojin became angry and said angrily, "go away! Believe it or not, I\'ll kick you to death!"