My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 612

"Hurry back to my house. If you dare to sunburn my grandson, I won\'t take off your skin!" Wang revealed his nature.

Wang has always loved his grandson as much as his life.

At ordinary times, Guo Jinlian beats and scolds Liang Zi a little, which makes Liang Zi cry. Wang is always the first to rush in and swear.

No matter good or bad, Guo Jinlian was wrong alone.

"I see. I\'ll just go in."

Guo Jinlian reluctantly took Liang Zi in.

Aunt Li continued to ask Wang about the topic she hadn\'t finished asking just now, "sister-in-law Qi, your third grade exam..."

Wang interrupted proudly, "my third is one of the smartest people in Jiangcheng.

There are several people in Jiangcheng who can count with both hands. If he can\'t pass the exam, it\'s simply unreasonable. "

"What if I really didn\'t pass the exam..." Aunt Li muttered.

Wang glanced at her and said sharply, "you can eat carrots and worry less! The fortune teller said that my son was born rich and noble. He didn\'t pass the exam. Can your son who doesn\'t know big words win? It\'s really funny!"

The others chuckled at Aunt Li several times.

Aunt Li\'s three sons are all digging in the ground. They can\'t be promising in their life.

So Aunt Li was embarrassed to be wronged. She smiled twice and stopped talking.


Chi Ziyu and Chen Xiang help in the back kitchen.

The people in charge of the spoon in the village are usually called men, while Chi Ziyu and Chen Xiang are responsible for cutting vegetables and starting something.

Of course, Chen Xiang is also responsible for the overall plan, how many dishes are there, what dishes are needed, which cold dishes are hot fried, and who should be invited to serve dishes and wash dishes

Wang handed over the power to her this time, that is, she wanted to exercise her ability as a eldest sister-in-law.

No matter how incompetent Chen Xiang is, the position of eldest sister-in-law still has to be supported by herself.

But Chen Xiang is really a little muddy and can\'t help him up the wall.

Before she made a decision, she had to run to ask Wang if it was ok, if it was ok, and chase Wang to the bottom.

Wang was annoyed by her questions, so he caught her and scolded her several times.

Chen Xiang didn\'t dare to ask again. She only asked Chi Ziyu\'s opinion in private.

Chi Ziyu has never made such a wine and has no experience.

But at least the neighbors have done it.

Chi Ziyu was influenced by it, and his heart was a little bottom.

So as soon as Chen Xiang had a problem, Chi Ziyu helped him find a way to solve it. Two people made do with it, which also made the whole process more smooth.

Full moon wine has only one dinner.

There were only three tables in Qijia the night before, all of which were eaten by his family and helpers.

Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun didn\'t open fire at home. They all came to the main house to eat.

The atmosphere in the main room is good.

Everyone happily had dinner, went back to bed early, and went to help early at dawn the next day.

The preparation before dinner is the busiest.

Some dishes have to be fried temporarily to taste fresh.

Some dishes are fried and put in a wooden basin. When they want to steam, they have to take a bowl to bloom separately and steam in a steamer

There are two big pots in Qijia\'s yard.

One mouthful of boiled rice, one mouthful of fried vegetables.

The pot in the kitchen is steamed.

People come and go in the whole yard, carrying wooden pots, tables and chairs, washing dishes and chopsticks

Perform their duties, busy and lively.

The whole banquet has entered a white hot stage.

"Pei\'er, go out and see if the Li\'s in laws are here. Why are you so late?"