My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 611

Even if she didn\'t wash her son\'s clothes herself, she didn\'t even know how to pour the toilet.

Chen Xiang is kind and will come over every few days to help pour it.

Sometimes I forget when I\'m busy. The toilet stinks in the house. Maggots grow and flies fly, but no one cares.

The smell of excrement and urine is mixed with the smell of milk and sweat. The taste is wonderful.

In such a dirty environment, only Guo Jinlian doesn\'t mind and can live for a whole month without complaining.

If the confinement is to sit for a year, maybe she can stay here so sloppy for a whole year.

Lazar is in the house, eating and drinking are also in the house, going round and round.

As soon as the meal point arrived, Chen Xiang brought the meal to Guo Jinlian.

Wang was afraid that Guo Jinlian would feed Liang Zi, and his body nutrition had to keep up. During this period, he was particularly conniving at her.

Not only did she eat and drink every day, but also she was not allowed to do housework. She didn\'t even have to get out of bed.

Continuous rainy days can make a place grow mushrooms.

People like Guo Jinlian who haven\'t moved much in bed for a whole month must have been moldy long ago.

Wang Yinger used to clean up the house. Now Wang Yinger and Qi Duojin sleep in the newly built house. They don\'t have to bow their heads and look up with Guo Jinlian every day.

Wang said at first that she would not let them sleep in the new room. She wanted to use that room as a utility room.

Unable to stand the entanglement between Qi Duojin and Wang Yinger, Wang finally agreed.

But in this room, except for a bamboo bed, the rest is full of sundries, stacked askew, and people have no place to go in.

It\'s crowded enough

Especially in such a big summer, when you go in and sleep all night, the sundries block the window and don\'t ventilate, and people will die of heat.


Liang Zi didn\'t sleep at the moment. He was hiding in his swaddling clothes with a pair of black and pure eyes open and staring at everyone quietly.

The place where children are born is carved with powder and jade. When women see such lovely children, motherhood overflows.

Tease Liang Zi one by one.

Everyone laughed at Liang Zi, and Liang Zi also giggled with everyone, enjoying this rather than that.

Stretch out your fingers to tease him. Liang Zi will also stretch out his chubby little claws to grasp, but he can\'t grasp it.

"My son looks good. Look at his eyes and mouth. He looks like me." Guo Jinlian is particularly proud.

"Don\'t say, it\'s really like you. It\'s just like you." Aunt Yang smiled.

"That\'s right. When Liang Zi of my family grows up, he must be a handsome brother. At that time, he will fascinate a large number of little girls."

"By the way, what\'s your Liangzi\'s name?"

"I haven\'t got my name yet. It\'s not true. My brother-in-law wrote that he can\'t come back until tomorrow. When he comes back, I\'ll ask him to get one for Liang Zi.

He is a scholar, and his name must be better than ours. " Guo Jinlian said.

"That\'s what I said. My little granddaughter asked him to get one back."

"Speaking of Qi Laosan... How was his exam? Why didn\'t you hear from him..." Aunt Li asked in wonder.

"Second daughter-in-law, did you see the baby or something? It\'s so beautiful outside. I don\'t know if I\'m going back to the house?

I think you are blind! I don\'t see the sun so big outside! " Wang came angrily.

"I\'m not talking in the house. I\'m so bored that I want to come out and have a look when everyone is talking outside." Guo Jinlian said.