My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 610

Guo Jinlian has been sitting in confinement for a long time. She knows to nurse her child all day. Anyway, she doesn\'t feel much.

It happens to be a nice day today.

The sky is clear and white clouds float.

Guo Jinlian walked around with Liang Zi in her arms.

He was detained by Wang every day and was not allowed to go out. It was said that Liang Zi was still small, windy and sunny outside, and Liang Zi was easy to catch cold and sunburn.

Guo Jinlian didn\'t plan to go out for a walk.

After all, her consistent principle is that she can lie down, never sit, never stand.

It\'s rare that many people came to help at home today. There was a lot of chatter outside.

There were many voices, and it was very lively.

In contrast, Guo Jinlian\'s room is quiet and the needle can be heard.

She and Liang Zi are in the room.

Liang Zi can\'t speak. Every day he knows to cry and laugh, shit, pee and drink milk... Guo Jinlian is so tired of taking her with her!

Guo Jinlian\'s stay with Liang Zi is undoubtedly with a piece of wood.

Boring... Boring

There\'s nothing delicious.

But the strong smell of meat, fish and vegetables outside... Mixed with the smell of fireworks floating into the house, it makes people saliva.

It is said that Wang prepared a basket of eggs to dye red in order to make full moon wine.

Red eggs are a necessary custom for Jiangcheng to make wine. No matter how poor people are, they can\'t be less.

There are delicious, delicious and fun outside, but there is only an annoying child in the house

Finally, Guo Jinlian couldn\'t stand loneliness.

After feeding Liang Zi with milk, he put down his clothes and came out holding Liang Zi against the head of the chicken nest.

The preparation of Qijia\'s full moon wine is almost complete.

The tables and chairs needed were carried back one by one by the three brothers in the family.

The benefits of having more brothers can be reflected here.

If brothers work together, their profits will break the gold.

Like these efforts, one\'s own brother can do all the work without the intervention of outsiders.


When several helpers\' aunts saw Guo Jinlian walking around with Liang Zi in her arms, they all welcomed him excitedly.

Everyone wants to see Liang Zi.

It\'s not that I haven\'t seen Liang Zi. Every aunt will go to Guo Jinlian\'s house to watch the excitement on the first day.

The birth of a new life is always the best thing for everyone.

Want to see what children look like, good-looking, like father or mother, boy or girl

But Guo Jinlian\'s house is really smelly.

It stinks horribly.

The weather is so hot that people are easy to sweat outside. They have to take a bath and change clothes every day to feel comfortable.

Guo Jinlian didn\'t wash this and that for a whole month. There were too many rules for confinement, and she didn\'t dare to fall behind.

Even if people stink, the sheets and quilt covers stink and blacken, like a piece of black charcoal.

Guo Jinlian doesn\'t have the consciousness to wash herself. She lies comfortably every day.

Anyway, as soon as any outsider opens the door of her house, he can inhale an indescribable smell in his nose.

It\'s intoxicating

Every time those aunts looked at Liang Zi in a hurry and said less than two words, they let the smell out of the house.

Guo Jinlian is the only one sleeping in this room.

Guo Jinlian either sleeps with Liang Zi in bed or sits in bed to feed Liang Zi and change diapers every day.

In short, I seldom get out of bed and go out.

The toilet has been put in the room. Guo Jinlian solves all her excrement and urine in her own room.

Guo Jinlian can get out of bed and walk tomorrow morning, but she is always too lazy to move.