My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 609

Flowers and trees have been planted for three days.

When planting these flowers and trees, Chi Ziyu stayed on the mountain with qixingyun almost every day.

When all the flowers and trees on the mountain are completed, Qijia\'s house is also built.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, because the mountain forests are sparse, the soil is exposed to the sun and evaporates quickly.

People have to be arranged to water the mountain every day. It\'s not easy to transport water up the mountain from the foot of the mountain.

Later, qixingyun used bamboo to draw water from several valleys, and the water flowed into ditches, where it could get water.

Medicinal materials also have a great demand for water and fertilizer.

Although the number of late helpers has been greatly reduced, more than a dozen people are necessary.

So qixingyun signed a long-term contract with these people.

These helpers are hired for a long time, but they should regularly go to the mountains to fertilize, water and weed.

This is better than buying servants to work. After all, if you buy servants, you have to provide them with a lot of food and accommodation.

Working with the villagers to ensure their personal freedom saves these troubles.

They are on a shift arrangement. They only need to come and help in their spare time. There are no restrictions at other times.

After so long cooperation, we all believe in qixingyun\'s personality. Later, their wages were changed to monthly knot.

Qixingyun also issued a reward system for attendance and work on time, and gave them different levels of rewards according to this standard.

As a result, everyone\'s fighting spirit was greatly stimulated.

In order to earn more money, we should pay more efforts and intentions for it.

Qijia\'s full moon wine has done more these days.

Wang called Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun to help.

Longan is naturally.

Since she was scolded by Chi Ziyu, she has restrained a lot. She works diligently every day, takes the lead in everything, and doesn\'t dare to hook up with Qi Xingyun in private.

In front of Chi Ziyu, longan is even more flattering and looks like a clever little daughter-in-law.

Chi Ziyu doesn\'t bother to deal with such people. He usually ignores her.

Anyway, the two people are busy and occasionally intersect. They only talk about business and don\'t say anything else.

As long as longan doesn\'t play the small abacus of qixingyun every day, Chi Ziyu doesn\'t want to put her at ease.

Wang appreciated longan\'s diligence.

Now the more you look at longan, the more pleasing it is to your eyes.

All over the body, everywhere.

Such a clever and sensible little girl, who doesn\'t want to be a daughter-in-law at home.

Being a mother-in-law can also reduce a lot of anger.

Wang dreamed of turning longan into his fourth daughter-in-law.

As long as there are longans, Wang feels he can be a mother-in-law for a few more years.

Qijia will become a beautiful big family.

Mothers are kind and sons are filial, brothers and sisters are respectful.


Guo Jinlian came out after a month of confinement. She had grown 40 kilograms of meat, which was already plump with the naked eye.

The old clothes are not suitable for her.

Now you can directly pick up the rest of qishuipei. The size of your clothes doesn\'t need to be changed. It fits directly. It\'s tailor-made.

She sat well this month, didn\'t get much sun, and her skin became a lot more delicate.

However, if you don\'t take a bath, wash your hair or brush your teeth for a month, your skin and teeth are seriously yellow. The whole person is unkempt and can\'t bear to look directly at you.

Not to mention being close, she had a sticky smell of milk and an unbearable smell of sweat.

People can smell the peculiar smell from her as long as they are three steps away from her.