My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 603

"I brought the letter to you, too. I\'ll go home first." The village head said nothing else.

"Stay for dinner. It\'s just that our family is making a house today. Everyone is here."

"No, I have something else to do."


When the village head went out, Han came face to face, "the village head is also there!"

"Yes, I came to deliver the letter."


Han said hello and came in.

"Sister-in-law Qi." Han Shi saw Wang Shi\'s back as he was going back to the house, so he shouted.

"Ah! What\'s up?"

"Nothing, just come here and walk. What did the village head do just now?"

"Hey, it\'s our third child who sent us the letter." Wang\'s face was full of happiness.

How glorious it is for my son to take the time to write to his family when he goes out for the exam!

It shows that the third is filial!

Parents are also happy!

"It\'s nice of you three to remember to write to you. By the way, how was his exam? Did he pass the exam?" Han asked curiously.

"Needless to say, I\'m sure I can pass the exam. I went to tell my son\'s fortune. The fortune teller said that my son\'s life is very good.

In the future, I will certainly become a dragon and Phoenix among people. In the future, I will also be an official old lady. " Wang said proudly.

"It\'s good that your sons are so promising." Han Shi is very envious.

"It\'s OK, it\'s OK, general..." Wang was particularly proud of being praised.

Han smiled insincerely, "if only my Guisheng was as promising as your third child."

"It\'s all fate." Wang said, "some people are born to be noble people. Some people can only dig in the field. They have worked hard all their life and have no promise. Don\'t struggle."

"You said the same." Although it\'s not good, Han can accept it.

If her son is so promising, he can only work hard in the mountains and be used as an outlet to beat or scold. He will be oppressed if he thinks about it.

Alas... Han sighed for a while.

"Sister GUI, what are you doing here today?" Wang asked.

"Nothing, just nothing at home. Come and walk. Is your fourth daughter-in-law at home?"

"Yes, you\'re looking for her?" Wang frowned, "listen to our second brother, your son was bullied by the third brother of the fourth daughter-in-law yesterday."

"No, your fourth daughter-in-law is so arrogant that she doesn\'t take a shit and doesn\'t allow others to talk about her.

My son just told her a few words of truth. She was good and directly instigated her family to fight with my son.

What do you think it\'s like? I\'ve never seen such an unreasonable person like them. It doesn\'t make sense at all. " Han was angry at the mention of this.

Wang smiled, "you know she is such a person."

"Well, I finally understand your mother-in-law\'s mood. Seriously, if I meet such an unreasonable daughter-in-law, I will be angry to death." Han\'s way.

"Don\'t worry, Jiang is still old and spicy. I\'m afraid she won\'t be able to make a little girl\'s house. As long as we want to clean her up, there\'s still a way."

"You\'re right. I\'m here to deal with her today. Her brother almost made my son have nothing to do yesterday. I can\'t get justice for my son."

"She\'s at home today. She didn\'t go out. You have to find her. You can go there now."

"Yes, I\'ll go first."