My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 604

"Go ahead. I have to clean up the chickens I just killed at home."

"Your family is going to make full moon wine, isn\'t it?"

"Yes, in the blink of an eye, my grandson is so old. Now he has some meat in his hand." Wang\'s joy and happiness are reflected in his words.

"Is your family short of people to work? I\'ll ask my daughter to come and help later." Han said enthusiastically.

"OK, I\'m worried that I can\'t find anyone. At the right time, longan comes to my house to help. He can also enhance his feelings with my old four."

"That\'s what I said."


When Chi Ziyu watered his flowers and plants in the morning, he accidentally broke the nozzle of the old watering pot.

The water output of the broken sprinkler is large, which is difficult to control.

Chi Ziyu knocked down the nozzle after failing to water the flowers.

I went to the mountain to cut a bamboo, saw a thin layer of bamboo, and drilled many small holes on it.

According to the size of the watering pot, the bamboo joint is cut to the same size.

Finally, install the bamboo joint as a nozzle.

When Chi Ziyu watered the flowers, I found that the nozzle leaked a little, not too much, not too much.

Chi Ziyu chose to bear it and went back to the city to buy a new one.

"Oh, watering the flowers?" Han suddenly stopped by Chi Ziyu.

Chi Ziyu had already found that Han came. At this moment, he didn\'t lift his head and replied, "yes, I haven\'t watered the flowers for several days."

"You are quite carefree. My daughter is busy working as a female worker. She is not as free as you."

"I am working hard to earn money." The skin and flesh of the late son fish don\'t laugh.

She hates it most when people say that she has no time to raise flowers.

Is it her business to raise flowers? Obviously not.

The serious thing is that Han\'s painting style is biased.

"That\'s more leisure than being a female worker." Han said, "my daughter is busy doing female work and cleaning up the housework. She is busy every day.

By the way, what size are your old four shoes? My daughter is going to make a pair of shoes for old four. She is in a hurry. "

"What size are my husband\'s shoes? Why should I tell you?"

Han became angry. "I\'m the future mother-in-law of old four. You can\'t tell me if you don\'t tell me!"

Chi Ziyu smiled and said, "I\'m sorry. Your daughter has to ask my husband for such a private and secret thing. I have no comment."

Han was so angry that he wanted to swear.

"Against you!"

Chi Ziyu came to Han Shi with a watering pot. The water mist sprayed directly on Han Shi\'s skirt and wet a skirt corner.

"Ah --" Han Shi was so frightened that he quickly stepped aside.

"Excuse me, don\'t bother me watering the flowers." The late fish spoke.

Han was angry with Chi Ziyu. "You\'re blind! You dare to spray water on me when I stand in front of you! Do you treat your elders like this!"

Chi Ziyu glanced at her funny, "this is my territory. I water the flowers on my territory. You don\'t have long eyes to stand next to my flowers and affect me to water. Is there anything wrong with me?"


Han felt that his blood vessels were going to explode with a sudden jump on his forehead, so he had to force himself to calm down.

"Let me ask you something. What size are your old four\'s shoes?" Han\'s way.

"I asked your daughter to come and ask, aunt, can\'t you understand people?" Chi Ziyu ironically hooked the corner of his mouth.