My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 602

"The third in your family has written from the capital." The village head said happily.

A kind-hearted village head is happy to do such a thing.

Just fight in the family.

"Really! The news came so soon..."

"Come on, let me see. I didn\'t expect my son to write a letter!" Wang hurried over with Qi shuipei.

"My son must have won, or he won\'t write back."

Wang happily took the envelope in the village head\'s hand and opened it rudely.

The village head was afraid that she would tear the letter: "be careful, there is a letter in it."

"I know. I don\'t know yet. Treat me as a fool." Wang said.

She drew out the letter in three times five divided by two, looked over her head, and her face drooped.

"What\'s written on it!" Wang has no good airway.

She doesn\'t know words.

It feels like it\'s black.

Qishuipei also came over and took a look and read the letter loudly, "parents..."

Wang looked at her in surprise, "Shui Pei, you can read, or you can read."

Qishuipei hurriedly shook his head, "I recognize two words: father and mother."

Qijiabao took the letter and gave it to the village head.

"Village head, you know the most words. You read them for us, but we don\'t know any words." Qijiabao felt his head awkwardly.

The village head nodded, took it, and began to read the contents of the letter in a loud voice.

"Mom and Dad, I\'m in the capital, very good..."

The village head was born as a scholar at least, but later he failed and didn\'t take the exam again.

Reading is not difficult for him.

The main idea of the letter is that the exam is over, the exam results haven\'t come out, and Qi duocai has to stay in the capital for a while, without mentioning anything else.

It\'s nothing. It\'s just an ordinary letter from home.

When the family receives a letter from home, it is naturally the most gratifying time.

The point is, Qiduo has no money!

"Why does the child have no money?" Qijiabao wondered, "didn\'t you give him a hundred liang of silver?"

Wang immediately glanced at qijiabao and said, "don\'t you think, how can fifty liang of silver be enough in such a prosperous place in the capital.

Now I don\'t know where my son sleeps and whether he has money to eat. He won\'t be hungry. He\'s out alone and no one takes care of him... "

The more he thought about it, the more sad he was. Wang couldn\'t help wiping his tears.

"Don\'t worry, we can send the money back in a letter." The village head comforted.

"Won\'t it be stolen?" Wang is a little worried.

"Let\'s be careful. It should be all right."

Qijiabao sighed, "this child can\'t take care of himself."

"I still have some dowry silver here. I\'ll change some silver tickets later and send them to the third child. As long as our third child can excel, it\'s worth our hardship and fatigue." Wang said.

"My fourth brother\'s family is rich. Just ask him for it." Qishuipei said.

Wang sneered, "just your fourth brother? Stingy is dead. Asking him for money to help you is like asking him for his life.

I\'d rather we sell iron from our own pot than collect the money. We don\'t ask others, village head. You say so. "

The two sang harmoniously.

The village head listened and sympathized with the family.

The third child of his family studied and had no money at home. He had to use his mother\'s dowry money

The world is getting worse

"People say that raising children and daughters is to prevent old age. I really don\'t expect it..." Wang said emotionally.