My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 601

The change is visible to the naked eye.

When going down the mountain, Qi Xingyun asked routinely, "what will you eat tonight?"

"Eat melons. I see several pumpkins grow in the field next to our house. I\'ll pick a green pumpkin to fry. It\'s very tender."


"It\'s a pity that we didn\'t plant watermelon this year. There are so many things this year that I forgot about it."

"I think uncle Liang\'s family has planted a lot of watermelons. When it\'s hot, we\'ll go to his house and buy some. We\'ll plant them ourselves next year."



Guisheng went home to complain to longan and Han.

He said that Chi Laifu made a special trip to provoke himself in front of Qi Laosi and Chi Ziyu today. He was scolded by Xun Laosi and almost drove away.

Han and longan are unbelievable.

"Qilaosi, how dare he? You are his brother-in-law. He should treat you like this!" Han was filled with righteous indignation.

Guisheng was full of grievances. "Stop it. I\'ve been laughed all day today. I\'m really ashamed and lost my home."

"You are the future brother-in-law of Qi Laosi." Han repeatedly stressed, "your sister hasn\'t passed the door yet. He\'s so unreasonable."

"I don\'t blame Chi Laifu and Chi Ziyu. The two brothers and sisters pretended to bully me alone!"

Guisheng now hates the two brothers and sisters of the Chi family.

I wish I could cut it!

"Unkind thing! Dare to bully my son! I\'ll let them go later!

Don\'t worry. My mother will go to Qijia tomorrow to complain to my father and mother. His son is too disgraceful!

What\'s wrong with our family? We can\'t get into his eyes! You really think of yourself as an onion, don\'t you! A little fart who doesn\'t have all the hair dares to challenge us!

Our GUI family is willing to marry their Qijia family. That\'s something that looks up to them and gives them a shameless face! "

"Mom, don\'t scold." Longan said softly, "it\'s not good to turn back and let people hear."

"What are you afraid of?" Han didn\'t think so. "Girl, I can tell you that your father died early. We don\'t straighten our waist now. You won\'t be able to lift your head when you marry them in the future!

Especially the little Sao Huo surnamed Chi, who is really deceiving people too much! Look, I won\'t accept her later. I won\'t do it. She really thinks our family is a sick cat and is easy to bully! "

"Chi Ziyu\'s woman is unreasonable. Aunt Qi told us before that she can\'t eat her sometimes." Longan said.

"Sister-in-law Qi is soft hearted and easy to bully. Your mother and I are not so easy to be bullied. Wait, girl. I\'ll meet the shameless bitch Chi Ziyu tomorrow!"


Qijia\'s house began to break ground.

Qiduodi and qiduojin both withdrew from the mountain and went home to help, so that the family didn\'t have to hire people.

A group of people are busy on the enclosed land, digging and laying foundation... There are constant discussions.

Qijiabao presides over the overall situation.

Occasionally, when there is a problem about building a house, the Mason will ask Qi Jiabao to give an idea to take the helm.

Qijia\'s two daughters-in-law are busy in the yard.

Cut shredded bamboo shoots.

Killing chickens, ducks and geese is what Wang is doing.

The daughter-in-law is pregnant and can\'t see the blood.

Qi shuipei didn\'t arrange specific things for him, but only followed Wang.

What did Wang do? She helped bring hot water, plucked a kitchen knife and started.

"Qijia! A letter from your family!" Suddenly someone came in from outside the yard.

Qijiabao put down his work and passed, "village head, what happened?"