My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 600

If it is an upward path, it is a ladder paved with bluestone or wood.

The bluestone steps are not neat, and the paving is more casual. Moreover, each bluestone has different shapes, as if it had grown on the ground.

The wooden steps are hollow, and wooden railings are erected on both sides.

Chi Ziyu stepped on the wooden steps and looked at the endless woods around him.

The trees are growing, monotonous and sparse, and the eyes are more loess and light green turf.

Chi Ziyu suddenly thought, "I think we should plant flower trees next to such stairs.

When flowers bloom on the trees, the places we pass will fall petals on the ground. Think about it. Do you feel particularly beautiful when the petals fall like rain? "

"Yes. Let\'s plant flowers and trees in four seasons, apricots and cherry blossoms in early spring, begonias in late spring and Hehuan in midsummer.

Gold and silver osmanthus in autumn, red and white plum in winter, all year round, you can smell the fragrance of flowers when you come... "

"Well, yes, yes! Plant it all the way." Chi Ziyu clapped her hands in favor, and she just wanted to.

"Build two elegant houses on the mountain." Qixingyun added with a smile, "if you have nothing to do, we\'ll come to the mountain to live for a while, so that we can see the flowers when we wake up in the morning, see the moon at night, and enjoy the flowers under the moon..."

"Plant a few more clumps of bamboo. When it rains and snows, we will cook flower tea, drink flower wine and listen to the sound of rain and snow knocking on bamboo."

Qixingyun gently closes his eyes. It seems that the snow is all over the mountain and the world is boundless.

It\'s snowy in the evening, red mud and small red stove.

The lights are as exquisite as beans, and there is tea fragrance around.

He let out a satisfied sigh, "how beautiful..."

"Yes, it\'s beautiful..."

Chi Ziyu can\'t wait to see a year later.

In a year, it will be transformed into what they want.

They will also get better and better.

"Turn around and quickly build our house. We\'ll make a big yard, plant grass and flowers, and then store a pool to raise fish and lotus..."

"Stop talking." Chi Ziyu covered his hot face with longing and said, "as soon as you say, I can\'t help imagining our new home. I must make it very beautiful."

"Back to business, let\'s plan the layout of these flowers and trees."

Qixingyun suddenly took out a drawing.

He unfolded the drawing in front of the caviar.

"Look, this is the layout of all the mountain roads of the two orchards I drew. Let\'s mark what to plant in each place. Later, I\'ll go outside to buy saplings."


Drawings are drawn flat.

Simple lines outline, easy to understand and magnificent.

As Chi Ziyu walked along the mountain path, he and qixingyun carefully pondered what to plant in each place, how to plant it, and how to combine the terrain to have artistic conception.


The evening slanted westward.

Two figures came down from the mountain. At this time, the drawings of the mountain road were full of marks.

"It\'s over!" Qixingyun informed him when he came to a place where there were people.

After a hard day\'s work, everyone put away their guys and prepared to go down the mountain.

Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun inspected the mountain together and went home.

It\'s rare that Chi Ziyu stayed on the mountain all afternoon today.

I walked the mountain here again. Now I have completely lost the sense of clutter and fatigue I came for the first time.

Maybe the mountain path is smoother and easier to walk

Chi Ziyu likes the transformed mountain very much, giving people a comfortable and comfortable feeling.