My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 599

"If you don\'t want to go, then work for me. Don\'t let me hear your nonsense today! Get out of here next time." Qi Xingyun ordered.

Guisheng quickly wiped his tears, nodded like tamping garlic and said, "I know, I don\'t dare to talk nonsense anymore..."

Suddenly something came to mind. Guisheng suddenly rushed to Chi Ziyu and apologized, "sister-in-law, forgive me, too. I\'m young and not sensible. I said something wrong. Sister-in-law, you have a lot of adults, so forgive me..."

"Go away, you!" Chi Laifu snapped, "you still want to beg my sister to forgive you! You spit out what you said before! Do you think my sister will forgive! Counsellor!"

Chi Ziyu had no choice but to be angry. Chi Laifu looked at him and said, "third brother, don\'t talk."

To be fair, Chi Ziyu doesn\'t like any of the GUI family, and won\'t easily forgive their mistakes.

But she will give GUI a face in front of others to avoid embarrassment and leave a bottom line for each.

"Just know your mistakes and change them. I won\'t embarrass you." Said the fish.

GUI Sheng, who was on the verge of amnesty, said with gratitude and tears, "thank you, sister-in-law. I will never make such a mistake in the future.

I\'ll go and work hard now, and I\'ll never give you any more trouble... "

With that, Guisheng took his empty kettle and ran to work.

Chi Laifu was relieved and proudly said to Chi Ziyu, "sister, you can watch it. If my third brother didn\'t help you today, this counsellor would have climbed on your head!"

"All right, you\'ve drunk the soup and hurry back to work." Late roe path.

"What about Tremella..."

Chi Ziyu smiled, "I told you I\'d teach you to grow, and you\'re too lazy to do it. When can you learn to support yourself, third brother?"

Chi Laifu changed the subject. "I\'ve had a fight with that smelly boy for you. Look who else will help you like this? Certainly not! Can you treat me so heartlessly?"

"Well, it\'s very kind of you, third brother. I should really thank you. Well, if there\'s any left over tremella soup here, I\'ll leave it for you to take back. How about it?" Late roe path.


"It\'s time to start." Qi Xingyun came over and signaled Chi Laifu, "go back to work."

Chi Laifu left his mouth listlessly, "Oh."

His fist is not hard enough. He doesn\'t dare to act wild in front of qixingyun.

When he finished, he took the kettle to go. Chi Ziyu asked him in the back, "third brother, do you want tremella soup?"

What a fart!

"I don\'t want it."

Chi Ziyu is very funny.

The rest of the tremella soup, qixingyun, was put in the lounge. When any of them was thirsty, they could come and scoop it up by themselves.

The mountains are busy after construction.

Qixingyun didn\'t know where to get a straw hat and put it directly on the head of the late roe.

"Worry about the sun." Qi Xingyun said.

Chi Ziyu raised his eyes to look at the still strong sunshine: "HMM."

"Let\'s go and see those mountain roads now."



Almost all the mountain roads have been built.

There are several winding paths between the vertical and horizontal saplings.

In the flat place, there is a narrow cobblestone road with round wooden stakes on both sides.

The stakes are uneven and look interesting.

Some roadsides are directly inserted with low bamboo fences, which are inclined and staggered, and have the same function as wooden stakes.