My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 598

"-- not even a green onion! If you don\'t hurry back, don\'t run out and be ashamed! I\'m ashamed of you!" Late to Fuyao Wu Yangwei road.

GUI Sheng was staring at everyone\'s excitement and said, "boss, I..."

He has really been floating lately.

Because I heard from my mother and sister that their family and Qijia have made a marriage, and my sister will marry the boss soon.

GUI Sheng didn\'t think about it for a moment. He just felt that he could climb up relatives with qixingyun. The whole person was very excited. Whenever he met people, he publicized that he was going to be qixingyun\'s brother-in-law.

Now people working in the mountains, including those in the village, almost know the two or three things that Gui family and Qi family have to say by word of mouth.

There are those who watch the excitement, those who oppose it, and those who are indifferent

Anyway, Guisheng himself is looking forward to it.

The boss is his ideal person. Even if he can\'t be an indomitable man like him, it\'s good to be relatives with him. In the future, he can experience the feeling of being covered.

Because of Qi Xingyun, GUI has become a character flattered and flattered by everyone.

Everywhere we go is the focus of attention. Now we are also happy to chat up with him, and the scenery is unlimited for a time.

Chi Laifu can\'t watch it anymore.

Of course, he heard about the GUI family from Jiang.

He didn\'t care at first. After all, it\'s the family business of Xiaoyu\'s family. Whether Xiaoyu is dead or alive has a fart relationship with him!

But later Guisheng was so arrogant that he even came to challenge Chi Laifu, saying that Chi Laifu\'s brother-in-law was about to decline, and longan was about to replace Chi Ziyu as the new sister-in-law

It\'s arrogant to go to heaven.

Chi Laifu may not care about Chi Ziyu\'s sister, but he can\'t care about the reputation and dignity of himself and his family outside.

His sister was provoked by outsiders, which was tantamount to provoking their chi family\'s ability and slapping him in the face.

Can Chi Laifu tolerate such things? Of course not.

So Chi Laifu and GUI Sheng had a private fight, and later they were persuaded to open it, but their relationship was completely settled.

The relationship between the two is incompatible. When the enemy meets, the atmosphere becomes tense.

"Brother-in-law, I think you\'d better let him pack up and go home. It\'s not enough to be a demon in the village every day. He dares to be a demon in the place where we work. I really think no one in our late family will deal with you!" Chi Laifu said fiercely.

Qixingyun looked at Guisheng and said simply, "go or stay. You can do it yourself. But put away your delusions!"

Qixingyun\'s attitude has been shown.

Even he thought GUI Sheng was delusional

Guisheng suddenly fell into an ice cellar and was disillusioned.

"I didn\'t..." Guisheng really didn\'t know what to say, stammered, "I... I listened to my sister... I don\'t know

But I really want to work here, boss. Please don\'t drive me away. If I leave, I won\'t make money. What can I do in my family? I have to make money to support my family and marry my daughter-in-law

I will never talk nonsense again. If I do this again, boss, you can beat me and kill me. I\'m wrong, I\'m really wrong... "

Speaking later, Guisheng began to cry bitterly.

However, teenagers are still childish in mind and are easy to be emotional.