My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 595

Soybeans like this can be used as vegetables and snacks.

In short, before qixingyun came back, Chi Ziyu had eaten a pile of fragrant soybean shells in the kitchen.

"Come back, come and eat my boiled soybeans. They smell delicious." As soon as Chi Ziyu saw Qi Xingyun coming in, he said hello.

"Snack goods."

"People don\'t live just to eat. Who isn\'t a snack." Chi Ziyu ate with relish, "I think the Maodou shells are very fragrant."

"After all, you just want me to praise you for your excellent cooking."

Qi Xingyun picked a bean from the plate in front of her.

The boiled soya bean shell is soft and rotten. With a gentle bite, the small beans in it squeeze out and overflow into the mouth with spicy juice.

"Incense." Qi Xingyun also said, "it\'s delicious."

"Is this the evening dish or your snack?" Qixingyun picked another one to eat and was quite interested in eating.

"I wanted to keep it as a dish..." Chi Ziyu looked innocent. "Then you see, I can\'t help eating so much now..."

"I don\'t believe you\'re eating goods." Qixingyun shook his head helplessly, "I\'ll put a clip in the back mountain and get some game to eat tomorrow."

"You see, you\'re more picky than me. You\'re good at talking about me."

"I got it to satisfy your appetite."

Chi Ziyu stuck out his tongue, "I don\'t believe it. It\'s clearly what you want to eat."

"Let\'s see who eats more tomorrow."


The next day.

Early in the morning, Wang took Chen Xiang to the city, and Qiduo brother was responsible for driving.

Qiduodi can\'t go to work. He reported it to qixingyun in advance.

In addition to booking wedding clothes, Wang also bought some brown sugar, red yeast and white flour.

These are for the full moon wine at the end of the month.

Wang is looking forward to his grandson\'s full moon wine. After all, his family has held such a banquet for the first time.

It\'s a great joy to have grandchildren at home.

Wang is eager to write on his forehead that he has grandchildren, so that people all over the world know!

Qijiabao went around the village and made an appointment with several masons to make a house from home.

In addition, qijiabao also went to the next village to book bricks and tiles.

At first, qijiabao wanted to be a grass house. After all, he saved materials and money. Later, he thought that the grass house would not last long, so he bit his teeth and ordered earth bricks and tiles.

It also costs money to make a brick house, and later Wang and qijiabao had a total, so we\'d better make two rooms.

If one more room comes out, you can use it in case of emergency, so you won\'t be helpless.

Two rooms need more money to invest.

Previously, Qi duocai went to Beijing for the exam. Just because of the money on the road, he almost hollowed out Qi\'s family.

Later, Wang refused to let him use his family\'s money and asked Qi Jiabao to borrow it from his brother\'s house until he had money.

Qijiabao is a little short of money recently.

Qishuipei\'s dowry was also ordered by Wang not to move from the beginning.

Although qijiabao was helpless, he didn\'t mean to move.

Finally, qijiabao chose to sell his calf.

The calf is more than a year old, healthy and lively, and has a good coat color.

If you sell it, you should be able to sell it for a good price.

Wang also approved of the idea of selling cattle.

The rumor of their cattle sale was released. The next day someone came to Qijia to see the calf. The family was short of cattle. Now they buy the calf back and raise it well for a year.