My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 596

It will be used for farming next year.

The two sides talked about the price for a long time and bargained. Finally, qijiabao sold the calf for fifteen liang of silver.


The Auricularia auricula picked by the late fish a few days ago was also dried in the sun.

Fungus must be dried before eating, otherwise it will be toxic.

She took a batch of dried tremella and soaked her hair in water.

Soak tremella, remove the pedicle and cut into pieces.

Put the soaked Tremella into the pot and stew with water.

Later, add medlar, red jujube and rock sugar, cover the pot and continue to cook.

Chi Ziyu cooked a large pot of Tremella red jujube soup, and put the cooked soup into a covered wooden bucket to cool.

When Qi Xingyun came back at noon, Chi Ziyu filled him a big bowl first.

Chi Ziyu naturally drank several bowls because it was so delicious.

When Qi Xingyun returns in the afternoon, Chi Ziyu will follow him. She has to send this bucket of Tremella red jujube soup to the mountain.

It\'s hot in summer. It\'s really comfortable to drink a bowl of this heat relieving soup.

In fact, Chi Ziyu doesn\'t have to follow her at all. After all, Qi Xingyun will help her transport the bucket to the mountain.

But Chi Ziyu thought later that she had to go and see how the planning of those trails on the mountain was. She\'d better go there by herself.

They were stuck in the past, just before the big guy started work. At this time, the people who went home for dinner also came back after rest.

The big guys sat in the lounge or chatted on the stacked wood outside.

Qixingyun said hello, and everyone gathered curiously.

Chi Ziyu pointed to a bucket full of Tremella red jujube soup brought by his family and said, "this is the heat relieving soup boiled with our own Tremella. Let\'s try it. It\'s free."


"Yes, but I don\'t have many cups here. You should bring your own kettle to load it."

Chi Ziyu can\'t provide so many cups here.

She brought some simple bamboo cups, but they were not enough and had to be recycled.

Some people don\'t mind. Naturally, they can share the cup with others.

But some people have a habit of cleanliness and can\'t stand sharing it with others.

When we heard that there was a free summer soup, most people happily went back to get a kettle and put it in.

A few people don\'t mind this. They go directly to Chi Ziyu and fill the cup. When they have a good time, they give the cup to others to continue to use.

Some people directly take the bowl for dinner

However, the atmosphere at the scene was very harmonious and lively.

Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun were busy scooping soup.

After working all morning, most of these people are a little tired.

Suddenly, a free summer soup came. It was like walking in the desert for a long time. Suddenly, a wisp of cool wind came, which was particularly refreshing.

"Little fish, when did you plant fungus? Why don\'t I know?" Chi Laifu also happily brought a kettle to serve soup.

Chi Ziyu put the funnel into the kettle and filled the soup. "It\'s been planted for a long time."

"How much has your family planted?" Chi Laifu tentatively said.

"That\'s all. How much can you grow." Chi Ziyu reserved his way.

Chi Laifu was not stupid. Of course she knew she was perfunctory, so she didn\'t have a good way, "little fish, you\'re wrong.

You see, you can give everyone tremella soup today, which means that your family must have planted a lot of Tremella. Tell me how many Tremella you planted won\'t kill you. Why can\'t you say it? "