My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 594

"Who knows, it\'s just that you all say he\'s unreliable, unreasonable and likes to beat people.

When my daughter was talking about marriage, I refused to consider their fourth son, for fear that my daughter would suffer. "

"Regret it now?"

"Don\'t say it. I\'m really regretful. Look now. The fourth is handsome. He will hurt his daughter-in-law and make money. He doesn\'t like fooling around outside. Whose girl doesn\'t want to paste it upside down."


"Old man, let\'s get ready for the fourth marriage now. We have to hurry up. We can\'t delay any longer. If we delay for a long time, it\'s easy to have an accident." At dinner, Wang\'s family said to him.

"Just say it." Qijiabao said it was rare that he had no opinion.

"Well, I\'ll go to the city tomorrow and ask someone to make a suit for the fourth." Wang smiled.

"Mother, didn\'t you make Xifu yourself?" Qiduojin asked.

"What do you do? I\'d like you to do it for me. I don\'t want to interfere in this matter. Let\'s come alone. He\'ll be ready to be the bridegroom\'s official later. There\'s nothing to object to." Wang said.

Qi Duojin smiled, "Mom, you are so rude. Be careful that the old four dogs jump over the wall."

"He dares! He doesn\'t recognize me as a mother! I don\'t believe it. This time I\'m so tough, he dares to disobey me. If he dares not get married, I\'ll take medicine later and tie it up." Wang said ruthlessly.

"In my opinion, let\'s make a house next to the kitchen. When the girls of the GUI family come, it\'s not good to live with their fourth daughter-in-law. After all, they are also married to be a wife." Qijiabao said.

"When Miss longan comes, the old fourth daughter-in-law should go out. Does she still have a face?" Wang said.

"That\'s not what I said. We have to be prepared." Qijiabao road.

Wang nodded reluctantly, "where did I get the silver to make a house for him?"

"So I said to make a smaller one next to our kitchen. If the old fourth daughter-in-law leaves, let the old fourth and longan live back. The house next to the kitchen still belongs to us." Qijiabao said, "anyway, we happen to lack rooms. It\'s not a loss."

Wang turned around and thought that qijiabao was a very good idea. He said, "that\'s all right."

"Since we are going to marry old four, we have to help him dispel all his concerns so that he won\'t object so much."

"Dad, make me a room, too. I have two daughters-in-law. It\'s summer. So many people crowded into a room and it\'s hot to death..." Qi Duojin interrupted.

"Shut up, you." Wang gave him a horizontal look, "who let you ask for it."

Qi Duojin curled his mouth and muttered, "Mom, you are so eccentric."

"If you want to be a little promising, I won\'t be eccentric. You still have the face to talk and fart in front of me."


"I said first, mother, you can\'t move my dowry." Qishuipei interrupted, "you can only use your own money to build a house."

"I know, your dowry money mother keeps it for you. She will never move." Wang is good at speaking.

Qixingyun went back to the mountain after lunch.

When I come back in the evening.

Chi Ziyu cooked all the food.

And cooked a big plate of spicy soybeans.

You don\'t need to peel, but the soybeans should be scrubbed very clean.

Put the soybeans and all kinds of fried seasonings into the pot and boil until the juice is collected.