My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 590

The food box was put aside under the tree.

Longan asked the whereabouts of xiaguisheng qixingyun and went to find qixingyun again.

To this end, Guisheng was hurt. "Sister, I\'m your brother. You don\'t hurt me now. You\'d rather hurt our boss. You see, you\'ve given him dinner today."

De Lai, who worked with him, joked, "you smelly boy, what\'s the pain? Your sister is looking for your brother-in-law. When she finds your brother-in-law, they will hurt you together."

Longan, sorry, didn\'t say anything.

Guisheng said with a smile, "elder sister, I heard that your marriage with our boss has been settled. It\'s good..."

"What are you talking about? The boss is engaged to your sister so soon?" De Lai said he couldn\'t believe it. "Didn\'t the boss have a daughter-in-law? Did his daughter-in-law agree?"

Just saying longan like that was just a joke. De Lai didn\'t expect to make a prophecy.

"Yes, what if the boss has a daughter-in-law? It\'s not normal to have three wives and four concubines in Jiangcheng.

If I\'m rich and powerful, I\'ll be served by my whole three wives and four concubines. Don\'t worry about it.

Don\'t you know? My mother decided it yesterday.

We\'ve been talking about marriage for a long time, so we\'re close to choosing a good day to get married. " GUI Sheng said proudly.

"Guisheng, stop talking. These eight characters haven\'t been written yet."

"It\'s called not leaving. The boss\'s parents said that yesterday. I\'ll call our boss brother-in-law."

"If you say it again, I won\'t talk to you."

Longan didn\'t know whether it was happy or helpless. Anyway, he ignored Guisheng and went to qixingyun alone with a food box.

Inquire around all the way, longan finally found qixingyun.

She came earlier today.

Just want to come early so that you can see qixingyun and take the opportunity to leave him for dinner.

"Big brother Qi!" Longan shouted happily all the way.

Qi Xingyun didn\'t bother to look at her. He just lowered his head and commanded the helpers how to arrange the ordered round wooden piles.

"Brother Qi, I brought you dinner." Longan was not angry and walked happily.

"Thank you, No."

Longan was suddenly lost. "Brother Qi, are you still angry about yesterday? Yesterday was wrong for us.

Niang, they shouldn\'t force you to marry me. The relationship is a matter of mutual love... "

"You know it\'s a matter of mutual love, how can you have the face to interfere with me and my woman." Qixingyun coldly replied to her.

Longan was almost speechless, "brother Qi, I......"

"I said not to be a demon in front of me!" Qixingyun gave her a cruel look and said coldly.

"Don\'t think I\'ll marry you. I\'m not interested in you! Don\'t be amorous!"

Longan stepped back incredulously, "..."

The helpers on one side seem to concentrate on doing things, but they are actually listening to gossip.

Qixingyun\'s expression was ironic, "don\'t forget that you are still a yellow flower girl. I have no grievances with you. I can\'t be responsible for you. Although you die!"

"Brother Qi, you can\'t do this... I can\'t compare with the woman Chi Ziyu! I can do everything she can do! She can cook delicious food, so can I!

She can\'t serve her father-in-law and mother-in-law. I can guarantee that I can serve well and will never give you trouble! Brother Qi, can\'t you give me a chance? "