My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 589

Chi Ziyu understood and blushed, "no... no... I haven\'t tried."

"I haven\'t tried either. I always have to try to be perfect."

Chi Ziyu shrunk himself into a small shrimp and twisted his body. He wanted to find a hole in the ground and quickly drill in.

Qixingyun immediately grabbed her body, "don\'t run. You compensate me."

"I\'m not sorry for you. Why should I compensate you?"

"Come on, little fish, you see, the night is still so long. You have the heart to hold it like this..."

With that, qixingyun had opened the quilt and pressed the head of Chi Ziyu.


"You are such an asshole." When I wake up in the morning, Chi Ziyu will be mad at Qi Xingyun\'s nonsense last night.

Qixingyun kissed her face and coaxed softly, "don\'t cry, don\'t cry again next time."

Chi Ziyu pouted and didn\'t speak. He really didn\'t know what to criticize him.

Lust obsessed, lustful, lustful... Too serious words can no longer be used to describe him.

"Look at your sample. Weren\'t you very happy last night?"

"You still have the face to say you."

"Well, I won\'t say anything. I\'ll get up and make breakfast for you. I\'ll make you whatever you eat."

"I want to eat human steamed stuffed bun."

"Well, let me give you a bite first, so that you won\'t be hungry before you eat steamed stuffed buns."

"Poor mouth, I don\'t want it. I want noodles."

"Well, I\'ll give it to you next."


Qixingyun just sat up and lowered his head to find that Chi Ziyu\'s face was angry and helpless.

Looks like he\'s speechless.

Qixingyun brazenly smiled, "I\'m still shy. You should sleep back first. I\'ll ask you to get up and eat noodles later."


Chi Ziyu had a good sleep. Before long, Qi Xingyun woke him up, "little fish, it\'s time to get up and eat noodles."

Chi Ziyu\'s bones rolled out of bed, dressed and washed.

Qi Xingyun has put the cooked shredded meat noodles on the table. Chi Ziyu comes directly to eat after washing.

"How does the noodles taste?" Qi Xingyun asked.

"Well, not bad."

"If you still feel sleepy later, lie back and sleep again. I\'ll cook for you when I come back at noon." Qi Xingyun said.

Chi Ziyu\'s eyes brightened, "really?"

"More real than gold."

"I don\'t want you to come back and cook for me. I don\'t have time."

"Don\'t you want to... Give me a chance to show? Anyway, I\'m not so busy recently. I can come back early."

"If you really want to come back to cook, come back. I won\'t stop you."



Longan went up the mountain to deliver dinner today. It was not only a lot ahead of time, but also brought two.

Everyone hasn\'t left work yet.

Longan walked all the way to the built mountain, which attracted the coveted eyes of countless men.

Some people even joked about longan and said, "longan girl, who did you send rice to? Why did you bring two food boxes?"

"It goes without saying that it must be Qi Laosi. Miss longan is so obsessed with Qi Laosi. Who doesn\'t know." Someone interrupted.

Longan smiled shyly, "don\'t talk nonsense."

"This is nonsense. Miss longan, how can you hide your thoughts from all of us?"

Longan will no longer answer.

"I\'m still in a hurry to see my brother. I won\'t chat with you."


Longan first found Guisheng who was still working.