My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 591

"You?" Qixingyun hooked his lips, displayed the arc of indifference, and whispered, "you deserve to compare with her."

After that, Qi Xingyun ordered the helpers to say a few words, and said he was going home to cook for his daughter-in-law.

Qi Xingyun specially bites the sentence "I have to go home and cook for my daughter-in-law" very loudly, and his voice is full of spoil.

And the crowd cheered with tacit consent.

After listening to this, longan burst into tears on the spot and said, "brother Qi, I brought you rice today. I made it myself. Do you want to..."

Qixingyun glanced at her lightly and interrupted, "it\'s not rare. You\'d better keep it for yourself."

With that, the man left without hesitation.

"Brother Qi, I\'m sincere to you!"


Uncle yuan, a helper, came over and said bluntly, "Miss longan, you can save your heart. Old four has such a good relationship with his daughter-in-law.

If you, an innocent girl, have to run over and get involved in something, you\'d better find an individual home early. "

Longan immediately glared at him, "I want you to take care of it! Is it wrong that I like brother Qi? I have an engagement with him!

His parents agreed to let me into his house! What does he mean to me now! "

Uncle yuan couldn\'t believe it. "No, how could old four have an engagement with you..."

Longan dried her tears and looked proud. "Don\'t believe it. When I get married with brother Qi and become your sister-in-law, I think you still believe it!"

"Don\'t laugh, Miss longan..." the other person also said.

Longan snorted, "I\'m joking? If you don\'t believe it, ask aunt Qi yourself. Look what she said. What can I be joking about.

Yes, no, No. she married Chi Ziyu and couldn\'t lay eggs for a year. Aunt Qi and uncle Qi were very sad.

I married to take care of brother Qi for her and continue incense for them. Their family thanked me too late! Why do you do this to me! "


"Little fish, I\'m back."

Chi Ziyu ran out in wooden clogs, holding a book in his hand and said, "come back!"

"Why did you change into clogs?" Qixingyun looked down at her bare feet.

Chi Ziyu slapped his sweaty neck, "don\'t you think it\'s muggy today."

Maybe it\'s windy on the mountain, and qixingyun doesn\'t feel very stuffy, "Oh? Can you sleep in the morning?"

"I can\'t sleep, so I was reading this morning."

"What did you read?"

"I\'ve read some messy, what peach is young, there are bandits and gentlemen, that\'s it..."

"These are excerpts from the book of songs." Qixingyun is on his way.

"Yes. You came back so early today."

"I won\'t tell you. Come back and cook for you? I\'m not here today. My mother didn\'t come to make trouble for you."


"No, I\'ll cook for you. What would you like to eat?"

"I\'ll eat whatever you do."

"Then I\'ll see what\'s in the kitchen." Qixingyun turned and went out.

Chi Ziyu put down his book and followed.

"I went to the field to pick half a basket of soybeans in the morning." Chi Ziyu said, "I\'ve peeled a bowl and left the rest for you in the evening. When you come back, we\'ll cook spicy soybeans together."

"Well, it\'s hard."

Chi Ziyu cooked the rice long ago and waited for Qi Xingyun to come back to fry.