My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 583

"But she can\'t have her fourth daughter-in-law!" Wang said, "what do you want a woman who can\'t lay eggs to do? Eat white rice? Where do you get food to support her?

Fourth, I didn\'t say you. You\'re old. You don\'t worry about our incense. I can worry about it.

There are three kinds of unfilial, no offspring is great. If you oppose your mother\'s idea now, you are greatly unfilial!

I can\'t let you be ruined all your life by your fourth daughter-in-law! Not only I agree with the marriage today, but also your father and even the village head.

Who doesn\'t know that you married a hen who only eats food but doesn\'t lay eggs. It\'s different from leaving you homeless.

What do you want the villagers to think of our family in the future! How can we raise our heads! "

"Yes, I don\'t want to have children. It has nothing to do with her." There is only a way to live in the clouds.

People felt as if they had heard the Arabian Nights.

It\'s the first time we\'ve heard that anyone doesn\'t want children. How can it be so wonderful!

"Impossible!" Wang said, "how can you not want to have a baby? I think you are shielding her. It\'s obviously her belly is useless. You don\'t want your mother to drive her away!

Fourth, you can\'t be so selfish. My parents are all thinking of you... "

Qixingyun glanced at her coolly, "believe it or not, in short, I won\'t marry another person. All your decisions today have nothing to do with me."

"You two, go back wherever you come from." Qixingyun then glanced at Han\'s mother and daughter, "don\'t let me see you two as demons in the future! Otherwise, I won\'t be polite to you!"

With that, Qi Xingyun got up, kicked over the stool, angrily shook his sleeve and left.

The people at the table were in a mess for a long time.

They were frightened by the sudden outbreak of Qi Xingyun\'s bad temper.

Longan regained consciousness, threw herself wrongfully into Han\'s arms and began to cry, "Niang..."

It\'s not a good deal. Qi Xingyun will agree to this marriage. Why did he sit for a long time and go away in anger before he could make it.

They didn\'t do anything, that is to say, marriage.

Why is he not excited when such a good thing falls on him

She is such a good girl. She feels wronged when she marries a second-hand man. Did she say anything!

Qi Duojin asked, "Mom, the four younger brothers are so angry. Is this kiss still a success?"

"Yes! Of course! Why not!" Wang said, "am I an elder or are he elders? Of course, I has the final say with your father.

If he\'s not happy, he\'ll kill us both. Look who\'s son in the village has no conscience like him. We parents have good intentions to think of him.

It\'s good for him to turn his face and don\'t recognize people. He\'s so greedy that he\'s not afraid to be drowned by other people\'s spittle stars! "

Qiduo brother said honestly, "Mom, it\'s not good, fourth brother, he..."

"Shut up!" Wang gave him a cold look. "I used to be so used to you that everything was up to your temperament.

I won\'t listen to you today. I said I\'d get married. His fourth brother came to me directly when he was unhappy.

I\'m afraid he won\'t succeed. I\'ll see how far he can lose his conscience! "

Qiduodi: "

Qijiabao said, "I think we should take it slow."

They didn\'t know that the fourth was so angry that they forced him to marry longan and couldn\'t decide how to rebel.