My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 584

"Take your time!" Wang is not happy to listen to anyone now. "I\'ve been watching the old four and his daughter-in-law all day for a year.

I\'m so angry that my chest hurts. How can I hold it down! I don\'t care. It must be done! "

People: "

Longan looked up from Han\'s arms and choked, "but what about brother Qi?"

"Don\'t worry, my aunt will help you deal with him." Wang gave her a stable look. "Our fourth brother listened to me most before. I advised him more later.

He soon figured out that he would marry you into the house. You are a good girl. You are many times better than the late girl.

My aunt is very satisfied with your daughter-in-law. I believe the fourth will be very satisfied after he understands your temperament. He won\'t regret it. "

Longan bit her lip, "well, I listen to my aunt."

Chi Ziyu had lunch alone in the house.

The footsteps of qixingyun came in.

"Come back so soon?" Chi Ziyu asked him.

In fact, it was no accident that he would come back so soon.

"Well, I didn\'t eat."

"I\'ll get you a bowl."

Chi Ziyu got up and helped him with a bowl of rice and brought chopsticks.

"Eat." Chi Ziyu said, "I cut three salted duck eggs today and found that the yellow inside began to flow. I think it must be delicious."

The salted duck eggs, which were cut into four pieces, were neatly placed on the plate, like a boat.

White pure white, golden oil.

Qixingyun sticks to chopsticks and doesn\'t hurry to lower his chopsticks.

"Did they bully you today?" Qi Xingyun asked.

"There\'s nothing to bully or not to bully. I didn\'t continue incense for your family. It\'s unreasonable. Isn\'t it normal to be stuffed by them?"



"I won\'t marry that Gui. They can die of that heart. I\'ve made it clear to them."

"But I can\'t give them an explanation."

It was through her lack of talent that people got in.

If she is still like this, there will be more than one longan in the future. There must be a lot more.

"My mother\'s real purpose is to run on you. It\'s not for me at all. There are three kinds of unfilial and no future generations. They are just compiled excuses.

She really wants to run on you. There are thousands of excuses she can find. It\'s not bad at all. " Qi Xingyun hit the nail on the head.

"We have no children, which has been criticized......" Chi Ziyu muttered.

They have their own plans. It\'s not urgent.

But outsiders don\'t know anything. They will get involved blindly and pour oil on the fire, which will affect the progress of their plan.

After all, children are too important in this era.

It\'s hard for Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun to go upstream.

"You want to have a baby?" Qi Xingyun asked her.

"I......" I have to say that she was shaken.

The hidden danger buried for months eventually broke out. Today\'s situation caught her by surprise.

Children are difficult.

It seems to be a matter of two couples, but it is actually connected with the fate of two families.

Chi Ziyu has embarrassed his mother\'s family today.

"Then give birth." Qi Xingyun said in relief, "I can afford how many you have."

Chi Ziyu\'s face is a little red.

Such a topic is neither serious nor serious.

In fact, as long as they break through the last level, the rest is nothing.

"All right, let\'s eat first. Don\'t say that."