My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 582

If you hear it, you must be happy.

"Fourth, don\'t always keep silent. It\'s too disrespectful to your elders." Qijiabao spoke.

"Let me introduce you. Next to you is Gui Yuan, the girl of the GUI family, and next to you is Gui Yuan\'s mother. You have to call aunt GUI. Are you clear?"

Although they are all from the same village, they do not live together and have little contact. It is inevitable that they will not be familiar with each other.

But qijiabao didn\'t know that longan had already met qixingyun before.

Everything before was carried out behind qijiabao\'s back.

Wang did not believe in qijiabao\'s weak virtue. He was never allowed to participate in or know the process of conspiracy.

"I know." The light clouds should come down.

Wang was not very happy. "Tut!" he said, "Why are you so cold to other girls, boy? At least you will be husband and wife in the future.

What are you shy of? Contact and talk more now. Anyway, you will know each other sooner or later. "

Hearing the speech, Qi Xingyun looked cold and said sternly, "when did I say I wanted to marry her?"

"Didn\'t your parents say that?" Han was puzzled by qixingyun\'s sudden face change, "Oh, you don\'t know, your parents and I made the decision to marry longan. We are all very satisfied with this marriage.

To tell you the truth, I was not happy at first. After all, you know my longan is so beautiful. You will definitely marry your family in the future. You have a wife. You\'re really not bad. "

Han\'s self is quite arrogant.

In her eyes, anyone who wants to match her daughter is not worthy of her daughter\'s posture of sinking fish and falling geese.

Fortunately, Qi Xingyun is not bad looking and powerful. Now she fully meets the standard of choosing a son-in-law.

Qixing slapped the table angrily, "bang -"

"That\'s bullshit! I never said I would marry another man. Who gave you the courage to decide for me!"

When he took this shot, he startled everyone present, and no one dared to make a sound.

Liang Zi in the room was suckling. Suddenly, he was so frightened that he cried out.

Guo Jinlian\'s complaint came out, "what are you doing outside? It\'s noisy. It\'s frightening my son!"


Qijiabao saw that qixingyun\'s face was wrong, so he said, "we are also for you, old four, you have to understand."

"Yes, both father and mother are for you. They won\'t hurt you." Wang also said.

Han and longan said they didn\'t know what to say.

For the first time, I saw Qi Xingyun lose his temper. His face was iron green. A pair of narrow Phoenix eyes were full of anger and gloomy and frightening.

Han and longan were stunned. They didn\'t come back for a long time.

"For me?" Qi Xingyun smiled sarcastically, "take back your hypocrisy. I don\'t need you to be good for me. I decide whether I marry my daughter-in-law or not, and I can\'t ask you to intervene!"

"Old four." Qijiabao was embarrassed by qixingyun. "Calm down."

They all discussed with Han so harmoniously. As a result, the party qixingyun suddenly said that they couldn\'t turn

This is not to give them a mouth!

"I\'m calm." Qi Xingyun said, "you\'d better get rid of your bad idea. I won\'t marry longan. Don\'t be delusional. I\'ll only have a woman in my life!"