My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 581

"My mother has prepared bowls and chopsticks for you. Today, our family will sit and eat together happily."

Chi Ziyu glanced up at her and didn\'t say any more.

Qixingyun also turned to look at her, looking like moonlight, cold and deep.

Wang was afraid that Qi Xingyun didn\'t want to go, and said, "let\'s go with the old fourth daughter-in-law. I just told you not to cook lunch.

Eat with us at noon. You don\'t listen to me. I\'m afraid I won\'t give you food. I have to cook it myself. I can\'t believe your mother-in-law. I really think of me as someone. "

Chi Ziyu slowly drew a ironic smile.

Wang has the face to tell such a lie.

Wang never said let her go to dinner.

From the moment she was angry with Wang, Wang didn\'t come to her.

But now she didn\'t want to argue anything.

She was a little tired of being tossed by Wang. She wanted to see what she could do in front of herself. She didn\'t intervene in anything.

"I\'m not going." Chi Ziyu said calmly.

"Well, then go to the fourth daughter-in-law to save the fourth daughter-in-law from cooking and wasting." Wang went on his way.

She can\'t wait for the fish not to go. It\'s a terrible sight!

"Yes." Qixingyun looked at Chi Ziyu and nodded.

Wang was particularly pleased. "Well, let\'s hurry over and everyone is waiting for you."

"I went first." Qi Xingyun said to Chi Ziyu.

"Well, go."


"Come on, old four, you sit here." Wang successfully called Qi Xingyun to the main room. As soon as he came in, he quickly arranged a seat for him at the dinner table.

Everyone is seated and the food is ready.

Qixingyun is just next to longan.

When he walked past, longan looked up at him, almost stunned.

He felt that he was too bold to look at him like this, and inevitably hung his head in embarrassment.

Qianli\'s cheeks flushed slightly.

The Han family around longan was also stunned by qixingyun. He thought that his son-in-law was really tall and burly and had a good life.

Moreover, Han has long heard of Qi Xingyun\'s terrible deeds from Guisheng.

Whether heard or seen, qixingyun gave her a good impression and completely subverted her previous cognition of him.

"This is your fourth." Han smiled with satisfaction.

Wang also smiled, "yes, it\'s him. How about my fourth brother and your longan Deng, right?"

Han smiled happily, "Deng is right, Deng is right to the ground... Fourth, you should sit down and eat. Don\'t stand."

Qixingyun nodded slightly and sat down.

Wang boasted, "I didn\'t boast. In this ten mile eight village, I haven\'t seen any man better looking than our fourth, and our fourth will do things. I don\'t know how many girls are greedy for our family."

Han is still staring at qixingyun.

Sure enough, the mother-in-law was more satisfied with her son-in-law.

"Our longan is not bad. It\'s a perfect match with your old four." Han said.

"Oh! Aunt GUI, do you think I can do this? Does it look like it was made in heaven?" Qi Duojin asked with a smile.

"You?" Han didn\'t know how much he disliked it, but he smiled and was kind on the surface. "You\'re not bad. You married two daughters-in-law well, which is made in heaven."

Smelling the speech, Wang Yinger touched his cheek.

Guo Jinlian took the baby in the house. She didn\'t hear this.