My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 575

It is his responsibility to help the villagers solve problems at ordinary times, so he works harder in every household in the village.

But since ancient times, it is difficult for honest officials to stop housework.

How else can he get involved as an outsider? Don\'t make a fuss again at that time.

He doesn\'t want to lose face like this anymore.

Seeing that the village head did not speak, Wang looked at the village head\'s daughter-in-law.

The village head\'s daughter-in-law didn\'t want to interrupt, so she said, "you\'d better decide this by yourself."

Wang said, "my old man and I have already decided."

At this moment, qijiabao, who had been silent on one side, nodded.

"Our family is going to marry the longan girl of the GUI family, so let longan marry our fourth and be a flat wife with little fish.

I won\'t let old four divorce his wife, so that you won\'t say I\'m cruel and turn my face and don\'t recognize people. I\'m not doing it all for the good of old four.

Who would want their incense to be ruined by a woman? Everyone said, "isn\'t it?" Wang added.

Han Shishen also nodded.

That\'s why she and her daughter came today.

Yesterday, my daughter almost lost her innocence in the pond. If the marriage is uncertain, she\'s afraid she\'ll have trouble sleeping and eating.

Chi Zhen and Jiang immediately couldn\'t sit still.

"What? Ping wife?!" Jiang Zha stamped his foot and said, "did you ask my daughter about this? Why did you order marriage for old four!"

With that, Jiang glared at Han\'s mother and daughter.

Heart, I said how come you two came here as guests? It turned out that you were waiting here

Two shameless bitches!

Robbing other people\'s husband is also what they can do! Pooh!

Han is also a middle-aged man who has experienced storms.

Being stared at by Jiang Shi, he didn\'t feel ashamed at all. He only said proudly, "my daughter is not bad. There were many people chasing my daughter before. If I didn\'t trust the fourth man, I wouldn\'t agree to this marriage."

"I bah!" Jiang was irritable, pointed to Han\'s nose and scolded, "you old widow with a hard life, take evil spirits when you go out!

Why rob my son-in-law? Fourth, he only likes our little fish. He doesn\'t like your family at all. I think you are daydreaming! "

"What did you say, old rascal, say it again!" Han became angry. Without saying a word, he rolled up his sleeves and went to teach Jiang a lesson.

"Ah, ah! Why did you fight!" Wang hurried to stop Han.

"Sister-in-law Qi!" Han couldn\'t swallow the evil spirit in his heart and said hard, "my daughter will marry your fourth and the daughter of the Chi family as a flat wife.

It\'s all our daughter\'s grievance. My daughter is still an innocent yellow flower girl.

Whose daughter is willing to go to someone else\'s house and suffer like this. I\'m willing to marry your family. I think highly of your family.

It\'s none of her business. Her daughter is useless. She still occupies the pit and doesn\'t shit. Bah! How big this ass is, it\'s also interesting! "

"Bah, you big head! I\'m afraid you\'re a tough old widow!

Let your daughter marry old four as a flat wife, that\'s widowhood\'s life! Even if my daughter is a houseless, she is a hundred times better than you, an angry old widow! "

"You!" Han was so angry that he wanted to do it again.

Unfortunately, Jiang Shi meant it.

"Why, there\'s nothing to say. I want to fight. Come on, fight! Dead widow, I\'ve been unhappy with you for a long time!

I don\'t know what to do when my husband is dead. Now I\'m still taking my daughter as a demon. I won\'t clean you up today. I don\'t believe in ginger! "