My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 576

The two men were very aggressive and wanted to do it at first sight.

They hurriedly came and pulled them apart.

"Stop fighting!"

The scene was once chaotic.

Tables, chairs and benches fell to the ground, banging.

Yelling and swearing, chirping and noisy.

When Chi Ziyu came out of the hatchery, he heard a quarrel from the main house.

She didn\'t care. After all, it\'s not uncommon for those people in the main room to quarrel every day.


The more chi Ziyu listened to the mixed sounds in the chaos, the more familiar he felt.

She walked doubtfully to the door of the main house until she saw Jiang Shi and Chi Zhen, who were only pulled away.

"Mom and dad?" Chi Ziyu was shocked, "Why are you here?"

She had just been checking the temperature in the incubator without paying attention to the outside.

Chi Zhen and Jiang Shi were all angry.

Jiang, in particular, rushed to complain at the sight of Chi Ziyu.

"Little fish, I tell you, your mother-in-law is not a good thing. She asked someone to call me and your father today.

Do you know what she told your mother? She said she would marry your husband another daughter-in-law, the short and ugly one -- "

Jiang pointed to longan and said angrily, "I want to be a flat wife with you. You said you had bad luck in your life to meet such a mother-in-law.

You usually treat her as your own mother and filial piety. It\'s good for her to take out her heart and lungs, but she\'s a wolf. She\'s bent on breaking up you and the old four and the young couple!

It\'s just that she hasn\'t had a child. Why does she conclude that you can\'t have a child because of a problem.

Maybe there\'s something wrong with your good son. The truth hasn\'t come out. How can she make a mess of shit... "

"Can I buckle the excrement basin? Oh!" Wang\'s face was full of sarcasm. "My son works in the mountains and fields every day. His bones are very strong. How can he have physical problems.

Obviously, there is something wrong with your daughter. Your daughter has been eating and drinking for free in our family for so long. She enjoys leisure at home all day and asks my son to support her hard.

In the end, she couldn\'t even lay an egg. This is her retribution! I didn\'t drive her away. That\'s my kindness. It\'s natural for me to marry my son!

You see which big family in the city doesn\'t want three wives and four concubines. I can\'t let your daughter delay my son\'s future! "

"Bah! Pay attention to your mother-in-law. This is the countryside. Don\'t put the rules of city people on my daughter. My daughter is not rare!

Your son doesn\'t have the ability to deal with three wives and four concubines. You really want your fourth child to be like your second child. You can\'t afford to keep two women. It\'s really a fat face! " Jiang sneered.

Jiang\'s family is a fierce leader and is very difficult to deal with.

Wang underestimated her.

But Wang is not in a hurry. She also has a card.

"Let me be frank. This flat wife must be married! The fourth is my son. Parents always decide the marriage of children!

In laws, I kindly invited you to come today. I didn\'t discuss with you, but informed you. We have discussed the engagement with the GUI family.

In laws, just remember to come and have a wedding wine. If you don\'t like to come, I don\'t insist. Everyone can get together and disperse. How can there be so many opinions! "

It was polite to ask Chi\'s family to come and talk today.

Another is to act in front of the village head.

In this way, when the news came out, she could listen to Wang better, and it seemed that she would be a man.