My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 574

With that, Wang suddenly looked sad and distressed.

"You must know the illness of your little girl." Wang spoke sadly.

"What? What disease? Why haven\'t we heard of it?" Chi Zhen asked excitedly.

"In laws, don\'t worry. Listen to me slowly." Wang said patiently, "your daughter has been married to our family for almost a year.

I now have three daughters-in-law, one of whom has already given birth, and two of whom are so big that they are about to give birth.

But your little fish has been in the door for so long, and there is no movement in your stomach. You parents are not in a hurry. My mother-in-law dreams of having grandchildren, but she is very anxious. "

"Some of them have children later, and our little fish are still young.

It\'s not easy to conceive. How can you conceive so easily. " Jiang was afraid that Wang would return the Chi Zi fish, so he quickly defended.

Her family doesn\'t have an old girl no one wants.

Chi Ziyu\'s stomach didn\'t move. In fact, Jiang Shi and Chi Zhen discussed it privately.

Jiang Shi and Chi Zhen are also anxious. Their married daughter has not completed the task of flowering and bearing fruit. People who don\'t know think their daughter is ill.

It\'s not that chiguoguo\'s influence on their late family\'s reputation.

In Beiye, if young couples have no children after marriage, it is generally considered to be the woman\'s problem.

There are countless similar tragedies.

The daughter-in-law has been unable to conceive, and the family\'s mother-in-law is not satisfied, so she uses this reason to take a concubine for her son, or divorce her wife directly.

Countless good girls have been delayed for the rest of their lives by such unspeakable private affairs.

In fact, sometimes it may simply be the man who has a problem, but people are poisoned by closed thoughts and are unwilling to admit it, so they keep blaming the woman for her mistakes.

"Oh, she\'s young, others are not young. Mother in law, look at the girls in our village who didn\'t get married at the age of 15 or 16.

Some people marry earlier and don\'t give birth one by one. They are like pigs. They are all relaxed. Why don\'t you girls come out? " Wang has no good airway.

"Mother in law, that\'s why you called us today? Do my daughter and son-in-law know?" Chi Zhen said.

Sure enough, it\'s not a good thing. I knew I wouldn\'t promise qishuipei to come here.

"It\'s up to our elders. What does it have to do with these children?" Wang said, "just in time, I also called the village head to come over today.

In laws, it\'s obvious to all that girls in your family don\'t have children. I didn\'t give your daughter a chance.

But don\'t forget, it\'s been a year, and my son is no longer young. If you drag it on, my son should be widowed... "

With that, Wang wiped the corners of his eyes sadly and sobbed, "although I have several sons, now I have grandchildren, but the fourth is also my flesh and blood.

I can\'t watch him become a homeless man. What evil has our fourth brother done? He has to suffer such a thing

Village head, if you are here today, you can judge whether my son is wronged or not. "

The village head sighed heavily.

He thought that Qijia had to invite them to come and sit down for what? It turned out that it was still a bit of shit in their house.

He\'s just a small village head. He doesn\'t have so many rights to take care of this and that.