My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 573

Ao slowly said, "you must go over to eat this meal today. My parents invited the village head. If you don\'t give us face, don\'t give the village head face."

"You little girl dare to use the village head to pressure us. Do you think you framed my daughter behind her back!" Jiang\'s sharp way.

Qishuipei laughed, "then you really think too much. Is it necessary.

The fourth sister-in-law and they are separated. When we are full, we hold on to them every day? That\'s funny! "

"Shui Pei, we have something to do today. If we can\'t leave, we won\'t go." It\'s good to be late.

"That\'s not good. The village head knows you\'ll be there. He said he doesn\'t need a drinking partner. You can\'t go without your father-in-law."

"There are so many drinking companions. You can\'t find anyone. Why do you have to find us?" Jiang said.

The water is frowning, "that\'s the village head\'s roll call, and it\'s not my has the final say, it\'s my fault."

"Whatever you say, we won\'t go anyway. My son has to go home for dinner at noon. No one will cook for him at that time..."

"It\'s not easy. I\'ll inform him on the mountain and let him come to our house for dinner.

It\'s just that you haven\'t seen your daughter for so long. I\'ll see you more today. " Qishuipei insisted.

"Then it\'s settled. You must go. It\'s your responsibility to annoy the village head at that time."

"I\'m not going." Shu Liu suddenly came over, his hands around his chest and said, "you can drop as much as you like. Don\'t want to call me."

Chi Zhen and Jiang Shi didn\'t talk.

But my heart is full of stomach Fei. Who said to take you... It\'s really amorous

Finally, Chi Zhen and Jiang\'s family went down to Qijia under the coercion and inducement of qishuipei.

As soon as they entered the yard, Chi Zhen and Jiang wanted to go straight to Chi Ziyu.

After all, the people in this place are sinister, and only girls are reliable.

However, before they could walk away, the village head came out and stopped them.

"The late ones are coming. Come here quickly. We\'ve only talked about you. We\'ve been waiting for you for a long time." The village head greeted him warmly.

With the words of the village head, Chi Zhen and Jiang both hardened their heads and went to battle.

The village head and his daughter-in-law have been present.

There is longan, the mother of longan, Han.

The main house was very busy early in the morning anyway.

Before Chi Zhen and Jiang\'s arrival, the big guys were talking about the whole life of longan.

The village head and his daughter-in-law said that longan was a good girl, good-looking, good-natured, and a good worker.

Such a good girl will be very popular and blessed to marry any mother-in-law.

Wang and Han secretly exchanged eyes, which is not to praise their two families in disguise.

Longan was very shy. Occasionally she blushed and put in a few words and was modest.

Wang served tea to Chi Zhen and Jiang Shi.

"Come, in laws, have tea and snacks."

Dim sum is their own small fruit, rock sugar, red bayberry and dried plum.

Wang is usually reluctant to take these snacks out to eat. These are reserved for qishuipei.

There is only such a little girl at home. She looks like the apple of her eye. She can\'t wait on her delicious and delicious.

"In laws, why did you call us here today? Why did you call the village head and them?" Jiang took the lead in saying.

"Oh, it\'s no big deal. I just have something to tell you."