My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 569

"Don\'t tell anyone about today!"


"Just don\'t!" Longan is going to cry. It\'s a big event related to her famous festival.


A girl fell into the water, her clothes were wet, and she was seen by a man. If this is spread, can she get married in the future!

Everyone will dislike her innocence.

Originally, if qixingyun was standing here now, she could have let qixingyun take her home without hesitation.

She was willing to do everything she could to entangle him and let him indulge in his beauty.

But this man is not.

He is the second brother of qixingyun!

A wretched and wretched old uncle!

Still staring at her so perversely, shameless!

The more longan looked at him, the more disgusting he felt.

I just feel flustered with tightness in my chest. How could she spread such a person!

"You must not say it." Longan was almost begging, "I\'m still a yellow flower girl. I can\'t be ruined by you all my life..."

Qi Duojin has a little conscience. He wants to look back countless times, but he is stared back by longan.

"Don\'t worry, I\'m a reliable person. Don\'t you believe it? I promise I won\'t say it if I don\'t say it." He patted his chest and said.

Longan was a little relieved. She said, "second brother Qijia, I know you are a good man. I know you won\'t say it."

"Why did you fall into the pond today?" Qi Duojin asked strangely.

"I... I washed the vegetables... Accidentally dropped it..." Guiyuan hesitated.

Qi Duojin believed, "you should be glad that the pond is not deep and can\'t drown. Otherwise, when you look back, there is no one in the black paint, and no one will save you when you fall into the water."

"I see. I\'ll pay attention later." Longan said, "I... I\'ll go home first."

With that, longan opened his legs and left in a hurry.

Qi Duojin looked at her back and looked at the edge of the water pond.

"Well, you haven\'t taken your food yet!" Qiduojin kind reminder.

Hearing the speech, longan stomped his feet, hugged himself and hurried back to pick up the dishes.

Qi Duojin felt puzzled.

What\'s the matter? He wants to save people with good intentions, but they don\'t accept it at all.

How childish and old-fashioned!

He seems to be the kind of person who takes advantage of the opportunity to rob!

But he thought about it.

Longan girl\'s figure is so good. She is still a virgin. She must be fragrant all over.

If you can really have a hand addiction, it must be amazing... Hey, hey

Qi Xingyun bailed out water for the donkey when he got home.

Chi Ziyu felt puzzled and came out and asked him, "didn\'t our donkey drink water outside today?"

"No, when I met longan on the road, I directly led the donkey back." Qi Xingyun is sincere.

"Why did you see her again?" Chi Ziyu suddenly felt that the longan was a little bad.

Pretend to "meet by chance" on the mountain at noon, and come by chance at night.

"She fell into the pond." Qixingyun said faintly.

"Did you save her?"

"No, I\'m gone."

"Why not save her? Will she be all right?"

It\'s one thing to hate her, but so is human life.

"The water was not deep, but she shouted there alone, deliberately leading me to save her."

Qi Xingyun looked at the Bureau set by Longan very thoroughly, so he was not fooled at all.

"She did it on purpose..." Chi Ziyu lost favor with longan.