My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 568

She can also muddy the water and make qixingyun unable to escape.

"There is grass on the shore. Pull it up by yourself." Qixingyun short path.

"I..." longan was really indifferent to qixingyun. "Brother Qi, please help me..."

"I\'m still in a hurry to go home for dinner. Help yourself."

Qixingyun said this and left without mercy.

Left longan alone in the pond wailing bitterly.

It\'s nothing special. It\'s said that qixingyun will stand up for justice.

She said it for her own sake, but people refused her plainly.

Watching her sink into the mud.

This man is too heartless!!

Longan doesn\'t know how many times she scolded qixingyun in her heart.

She didn\'t understand how Chi Ziyu conquered such a cold-blooded and ruthless man?

Obviously, her beauty and opportunities were given, but she was not appreciated at all.

Seeing qixingyun\'s back disappear into the twilight, longan forced to calm down in the water for a while, and finally planned to go ashore.

"Eh, this is not miss longan. Why did you fall into the water?" Qiduojin suddenly came with a donkey and two cows.

Cows are cows and calves.

The calf is almost a year old and has a big head, but its hair color is lighter than that of the cow. It looks very young.

When the donkey and the cow saw the pond, they all came over and planned to drop their heads to drink.

Longan was so frightened that the flowers turned pale and shouted, "ah... Don\'t... Don\'t come here..."

She was afraid of being pushed by horns.

It hurts to put a horn on a person.

Seeing this, Qi Duojin quickly pulled the ox and donkey apart.

"Don\'t be afraid, Miss longan. My cattle won\'t bully you." Qiduojin said with a smile.

His eyes squinted at the concave and convex figure of longan without blinking.

He hasn\'t seen such a delicate figure for a long time.

The thin clothes and figure were so appropriate that they almost integrated into each other. They looked like they weren\'t wearing. The little cherries were exposed.

Embarrassed and shy young face, big watery eyes, beautiful carcass and body

How vivid!

Qiduojin has not seen such a bloody scene for a long time.

For a moment, my heart was surging and my blood was boiling.

Longan also noticed his ill intentioned eyes, immediately shrunk into the water and said in horror, "ah... What are you looking at, go away..."

Qi Duojin quickly recovered, shook his head and said, "nothing. Miss longan, do you want me to pull you up?"

"No, no!" Longan screamed, "I can get up myself! Turn around!"

"It\'s no big deal. I\'ve seen it all..." Qi Duojin muttered sadly.

I just looked at her a few more times and wouldn\'t lose a few pieces of her meat.

Moreover, who let her fall into the water, her clothes are also transparent, which challenges his self-control.

As for his good virtue, now that his wife is pregnant, he can control himself for a few months without fooling around outside. Thank God.

"Do you turn or not!" Longan was angry and her willow eyebrows stood upright.

"OK, I can\'t turn around. Your woman\'s house is really troublesome..." Qi Duojin reluctantly turned his back.

Longan scuffled ashore alone.

The mud in the water was difficult to separate, and longan took great effort to climb ashore.

She didn\'t dare to look at Qi Duojin directly. She just hugged her chest with her hands and turned her back to him.