My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 570

"Well, forget drowning her. She wants to learn from me that I dived to death and asked you to save the beauty."

Qi Xingyun chuckled, "fortunately, I was smart and saw through her little trick at a glance."

"Did she get up later?"

"I don\'t know. I won\'t die anyway. My second brother is not far behind me. He will pass by there. Even if I don\'t save it, my second brother won\'t ignore it."

Qi Duojin is always very kind to the girl\'s family because of his dead virtue.

While they were talking, Qi Duojin whistled into the yard.

Looks in a good mood.

Chi Ziyu looked suspiciously at Qi Duojin and saw that there was no one behind him.

However, he soon exposed himself.

He tied the donkey and cow in the shed and ran impatiently to the kitchen to report the news to Wang.

"Mom, I\'ll tell you a big deal."

Wang Shi is watching Wang Yinger cooking. From time to time, she has to chatter and scold her for having too much oil and salt. Wang Yinger is obedient and doesn\'t dare to have any opinions.

She will do whatever Wang says.

"What\'s so surprising?" Being interrupted by Qi Duojin, Wang pulled down his face very unhappily.

Qi Duojin was in high spirits. "Mom, guess who I came back to see today?"

Wang turned his eyes. "Who is it? Look what you are rare?"

"It\'s the longan that came to our house suddenly a few days ago." Qi Duojin said, "guess what happened to her today. She fell into the water and her clothes were wet. I was going to save her, but she wouldn\'t let me..."

"What?!" Wang\'s spirit immediately.

She realized that longan was planned, so she quickly asked Qi Duojin, "has the fourth come home?"

"Back, I just went into the yard and saw him feeding water to the donkey. It\'s really troublesome. There\'s water everywhere outside. Why do you have to feed the donkey at home..."

Wang smelled something wrong here, rushed out of the kitchen and went straight to qixingyun.

The road stopped halfway.

She had heard the talking and laughing of clouds and Chi Ziyu in the room.

Qiduojin followed her without knowing, "Mom, what\'s the matter?"

Wang\'s calm face, "it\'s broken..."

"What\'s wrong?"

Wang stamped his foot, "it\'s useless... I ask you, did the longan come up later?"

"Yes, she went home wet alone. She didn\'t let me save her and didn\'t let me talk about it.

I promised her, but it doesn\'t matter if I tell you that. You have such a good relationship with her... "

Wang wandered and wandered, and suddenly sighed, "old four, it\'s really cruel..."

Qi Duojin thought his mother was playing a riddle. "What happened?"

Wang said positively, "longan, she\'s waiting for old four to save her today. You said you ran to get involved in something."

What an upside down rake!

Qiduojin looked innocent. "When I went, the fourth was not there at all. He came back before me."

Wang sharpened his teeth. "Fool! Miss longan is the daughter-in-law I pointed out to old four. She does everything for old four. You shouldn\'t meddle blindly."

"What? Mom, you told the fourth daughter-in-law again?" Qi Duojin was full of meaning and muttered, "how can old four\'s life be so good? There are women\'s inverted stickers all the time..."

Why is he so bad? Young women run away when they see him and treat him as a great demon.