My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 567

Wang told her that Chi Ziyu had been living in the clouds by falling into the water, otherwise Chi Ziyu wouldn\'t have a good day today.

This method takes a short time and works quickly. Once qixingyun is recruited, there is no chance to get out.

Imagine the physical contact between lonely men and women with wet clothes... It will be hot news to be seen by anyone.

The setting sun has gradually set at the other end of the mountain, leaving only the afterglow cool and thin, and the line of sight is not very clear.

Finally, Qi Xingyun came back with the donkey.

Longan can be seen from a distance.

A man and a donkey walked slowly on the green ridge.

Her heart suddenly pounded.

Is she really going to be with him so soon? She is not fully prepared

She wandered for a while and watched qixingyun approach.

Then he squatted down and pretended to wash the dishes.

The water in the pond is cold and comfortable to wash vegetables.

Obviously, her focus is not on washing vegetables.

Qixingyun would have fed water to the donkey in this pond. As a result, his friend\'s road was narrow today. Seeing longan here, qixingyun took the donkey in a straight line without saying a word.

Longan was in a hurry and deliberately slipped under her feet.

There was only a "plop".

The water splashed violently.

"Help, help -" the water gradually covered longan\'s body, and she cried for help in a panic.

"Brother Qi, help me..."

Longan always shouted for help against qixingyun\'s back. For fear that he didn\'t hear it, people left her.

She doesn\'t want to be a drowning ghost in this pond.

Qi Xingyun heard it, but he didn\'t respond at all.

Longan is really flustered.

Why is he so ruthless? Even if he is really not interested in her, he won\'t ignore human life.

She really wants to drown here today. That\'s a living life!

"Brother Qi, please, I\'m drowning..." longan fluttered in the water in despair.

He was willing to stand up and save Chi Ziyu in such a big pond before. Why is he reluctant to help in such a small pond?

"Brother Qi..."

Longan is crying to death.

She\'s so young. She doesn\'t want to die in this damn place because of him.

Qixingyun finally turned slowly as if he heard the cry for help.

He hasn\'t gone far yet.

He glanced at longan lightly and said sarcastically, "how deep is the pond? Haven\'t you counted it yet?"

Longan was stunned: "

She looked down at the splashing pond under her eyes.

It seems that... She really thinks too much

The pond looks very deep, but it only reaches her waist.

But when she just fell, her whole body was filled with water. Her thin summer shirt closely fitted her exquisite shape and bloomed an extremely attractive curve.

Longan has a good figure.

She can be sure that anyone who sees her now so embarrassed and attractive will have a congested mind and a big color heart.

Those who can\'t control it must start immediately.

Just qixingyun\'s calm reaction really surprised her.

Longan suddenly felt very embarrassed.

Qi Xingyun looked at her like a fool, ironic and sharp.

"But I can\'t come up..." longan said wrongfully, "brother Qi, can you give me a hand?"

Even if you can\'t have any physical contact with him, as long as Qi Xingyun is willing to pull her.